The media flayed McCourt once more as though a department head would would have prevented the beating.
The new state department head has spent much of his first week getting in touch with foreign leaders.
Professors, particularly if non-tenured, cannot be certain that the complaint-review board, department head, or dean will back them.
Correspondents say the new state department head will spend much of the week getting in touch with foreign leaders.
Imagine the department head rapidly updating her budget using a spreadsheet, while her colleagues continue to struggle with adding machines.
The professor prepared a report that laid out the extent to which the department head was costing the college money.
Around the same time Radio 1 department head Derek Chinnery was asked by Mr Muggeridge to confront Savile with the allegations.
Natalya Shakhovskaya, a cello professor and department head who studied under Mr Rostropovich, sees the school and its troubles as a microcosm.
Department head Olaf Henricson-Bell said gay and lesbian youngsters were particularly vulnerable.
There are indeed dangers in Mr Willes's plan (would you write a hard-hitting story on Hollywood, if your department head was wooing a big studio chief?).
Diversity management is a responsibility that every corporate C-level executive and department head must embrace as part of their job description, and make part of their business plan and budget.
FORBES: Diversity Management is Outdated and Demands a New Approach
The university archaeology department head, Prof Martin Bell, said the Severn Estuary was exceptional in its evidence of the plants used by Mesolithic people, thousands of years before farming began.
As an adjunct teacher, I have experienced criticism from a department head, who, having read a particularly poor student's negative assessment of me, implied it was my teaching that was at fault.
The market for sporting guns is quite strong, says London-based sporting guns department head Matthew Smith , and buyers could come from all over the world, including the Middle East, Russia and China.
Retiring after the 1984 season, his eighth, he went on to earn a law degree, work in the Justice Department and head the athletics programs of Colgate and Northwestern.
On Tuesday, FBI Director Louis Freeh informed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno that someone outside the Justice Department should head the investigation into the final assault on the Branch Davidian compound.
As President Bush prepares for war in Iraq, he has allowed the State Department, whose head opposes Bush's vision, to take full control of the Israeli-Palestinian agenda.
Richard Haass, former State Department official and head of the Council on Foreign Relations, may have put it best when he suggested that what we need here is a dial, not a switch.
Aulbaugh said recently that the FBI was checking to see if Hasse's killing could be related to the March 19 killing of Colorado Department of Corrections head Tom Clements, who was gunned down after answering the doorbell at his home.
The welcome to the workshop will be addressed by Franco Gabrielli, Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department, Peter Billing, Deputy Head of Crisis Response Unit at the DG ECHO of the European Commission, Francesca Santoro from UNESCO-IOC, and Pierluigi Soddu, PPRD South Executive Director.
During his career at the firm, he also served in various other capacities including Global Co-Head of the Investment Banking Division (1999 to 2002), Head of the Corporate Finance Department (1994 to 1999) and Head of Asia-Pacific Investment Banking (1990 to 1994).
FORBES: Live With Former Goldman Sachs Vice Chairman Robert S. Kaplan
Carson eventually got into Yale and became, at 33, the youngest person to head a department at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
President Obama recently nominated Sally Jewell to head the Department of Interior.
Confronted by his head of department, Dr. Vasoo, and the Dean, Prof.
To combat fears about crime and graft, he named the Rambo-esque former mayor of Manila Alfredo Lim to head the department of interior and local government.
Cisneros told the White House and FBI about the affair and payments when he was nominated to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development in 1992.
His appointment in 2006 to head a department staffed by trained diplomats upset many who had come to expect they would be led by one of their own.
Mr Gove and Mr Wormald had been recalled to answer questions about a senior civil servant's allegations of bullying by one of the secretary of state's special advisers, Dominic Cummings, and James Frayne, his department's former head of communications.
BBC: Gove 'not informed of bullying adviser claim', MPs told
This week, the United States took its first step to address the problems with the arrival in Baghdad of Paul Bremer, a former head of counter-terrorism in the State Department, to replace General Jay Garner as head of the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq.