But whether you're a fresh water economist or a salt water one, empirical analysis - working out what's actually going on in the economy - depends on knowing the facts.
Being united depends on us -- on leaders, on institutions, and on the decisions you make.
But it also depends on us -- on the kind of society we engender, the kind of future we build.
It depends on us -- on the ingenuity of our entrepreneurs, the determination of our workers, and the strength of our people.
At this time more than ever -- in the week that Cameron has promised Britain a referendum on its EU membership -- Europe's future depends on Franco-German unity of purpose and action.
Finally, changing spending-as-usual depends on changing politics-as-usual.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has always insisted its changes to student finance are fair - and that going to university depends on ability - not ability to pay.
The issue is especially timely now, because enacting pro-growth tax reform depends on better real-world scoring.
In the end, all this pent-up trade depends on settling the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.
Whether or not you'll want to wed yourself to Microsoft's live-tiled OS largely depends on its yet-to-be revealed feature suite.
Asked to account for what appears to be such a tiny sum for such a huge and important campaign - remember, the very lawfulness of the legislation, as well as public confidence in the system depends on it - the minister and her officials said they'd based the costings in part on the campaign to educate the public on the smoking ban.
Not every deal is a "land grab" - much depends on local context, the investor's track-record, the terms of the lease, and whether these reflect the free, prior and informed consent of local landholders.
But it depends on -- like you can attach -- you could attach anything to this that may not have anything to do with dealing with our short- or medium-term deficit.
And especially the young people who are here, we need you to act with a sense of urgency -- to study and work and create as if the fate of the country depends on you -- because it does.
Much depends on what euro-zone finance ministers say at their meeting on September 14th.
And the disaster in the Gulf only underscores that even as we pursue domestic production to reduce our reliance on imported oil, our long-term security depends on the development of alternative sources of fuel and new transportation technologies.
And, you know, it depends - the size of the drops depends on location.
The S3-BT speakers are based on an essential, time-honored principle: good sound depends on intelligent design and superior materials.
ENGADGET: NuForce launches $300 Bluetooth 4.0 bookshelf speakers, promises to please audiophiles
What you might not know is that this critical event depends on British-designed and -built hardware.
We cannot afford to gamble with the ocean, because our well-being depends on a healthy ocean.
The colour that emerges from such auto-interference depends on the distance between the reflective surfaces.
Mr. MUKHLIS: Well, I think, you know, if--it depends on how the election is going to go.
After all, he says, Duke's well-being depends on regulatory approvals in multiple states.
The impact on the output of oil-importing countries also depends on whether oil producers save or spend their windfalls.
Mr Martins's researches show that for its activists it now depends heavily on middle-class public servants, such as teachers.
The precise nature of this pattern, Dr Benatti says, depends on Planck-scale physics.
Just when British soldiers start coming home - and how many - probably depends on the details of what the Americans do.
The NHS does not provide any national guidance for funding such cases - it depends solely on the individual primary care trust (PCT).
Our well-being depends on biodiversity and on basic ecosystems goods and services, and they provide the livelihoods of more than 1.3 billion people.