The carvings cover hundreds of square metres and also depict battles and scenes from Hindu mythology.
Games may simulate reality, they may depict an alternate reality, but they are not reality.
Back then, before the current war, Ferzat never dared to depict specific people in his cartoons.
They depict an almost adolescent view of romance: Every night on the town leads to bliss.
WSJ: Dressing Up Justin Timberlake | The 20/20 Experience | By Jim Fusilli
The idea was to depict the archipelago astride a globe, with clouds above and below.
All depict the patience and kindness of God in the face of human doubt.
WSJ: Joseph Loconte: The Easter Message of Religious Freedom
They depict the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would bear God's son.
BBC: Evelyn Gibbs murals to be uncovered at Nottingham church
The new images depict a landscape in Ukraine, the north of Madagascar, and Moscow.
From left to right, Caravaggio's pictures depict that life: Matthew summoned, Matthew writing, Matthew murdered.
WSJ: The Calling of St. Matthew | A Dramatic Enlightenment | Masterpiece by Willard Spiegelman
The shot seemed to depict the window of a home, adorned with a wreath and lights.
Mr Cuomo likes to depict himself as an outsider, but he is far from that.
Traditionalist novelists sought to depict a world in which there was a reassuring sense of order.
Blu-ray movies depict images in 1, 080 lines of resolution compared to 480 for DVDs.
How Brahms is able to depict nature in the horn calls, that's quite unique, I think.
WSJ: The Importance of Second Chances | Yefim Bronfman | Cultural Conversation by David Mermelstein
Fine painted vessels depict Panhellenic sporting events, mythical lovers, stage plays, a wedding and the joyful afterlife.
In another cabinet a large number of magic lantern slides depict animals, battles and 18th century raunchiness.
Photographs and portraits depict an attractive, stylish woman, and their 1898 marriage was, by all accounts, harmonious.
WSJ: Biltmore Estate | King of the Castles | Masterpiece by Julia M. Klein
Nor does it have a small militia of roving guards whose shoulder patches depict a bulbous-headed alien.
The next two weeks will disprove the notion that ballets only depict the lives of fairies and princesses.
The subject of the painting stops being what the artist chose to depict, but the object itself and what it represents.
Democrats have tried to depict themselves not as enemies of drilling, but as the scourge of big oil firms.
ECONOMIST: Finding more oil has become the first issue of the campaign
Few films depict so eerily yet so meticulously the metaphysical and historical sense of a world out of joint.
In turning to reality, the shared world that these French novelists depict and people with characters is hardly inviting.
Cunning old Mr Posthumus has tried to depict Ms Granholm as slippery, shallow and more leftish than she appears.
ECONOMIST: A woman in Michigan shows there is life left in Clintonism
It's unclear if the images depict several deer, or a time lapse of one deer moving across the canvas.
WSJ: Prehistoric but Far From Primitive | Cave Paintings of Lascaux | Field Museum | By Mark Yost
More successful has been Mr Ensign's attempt to depict Mr Bernstein as hopelessly out of touch with Nevada issues.
But some say that it is absurd to depict the law lords' judgment as a bolt from the blue.
Networks have become less squeamish about edgy content, which has allowed producers to more realistically depict dark subject matter.
One series of notes would depict writers favoured by the Croats and Muslims.
Interspersing songs with crisp dialogue that is often sung-through, Greenberg and Greif accurately depict the artificial tenor of the times.