That will bring most benefit to the most deprived children in the most deprived areas.
Dr Bousted did however, praise the government's work to raise standards and help the most deprived children.
Or would it be better spent reducing the risk of asthma faced by deprived children in the polluted inner city?
Under the plans, there will be changes to school performance tables, Ofsted inspections and governance, and a "pupil premium" system will channel more money to the most deprived children.
Shadow children's minister Sharon Hodgson criticised the coalition's policy towards Sure Start - a children's centre network established by Labour in the late 1990s to give more deprived children a better chance in life.
Concerns have been raised that a planned cut in teacher numbers could have an impact on children in deprived parts of Dumfries and Galloway.
"The time when children were deprived of music is gone now, " said Mr. Sarmast, a musicologist who started the academy three years ago with the aim of reviving the country's moribund music scene.
"In its current form, the Welsh Liberal Democrats cannot support the draft budget as we don't believe it goes far enough to tackle the problem of making sure that children from deprived backgrounds get the fair start in life they deserve, " he said.
She saw vivid proof of what so much research has shown: Children raised in orphanages and deprived of consistent, loving attention from adults tend to abandon their own children, fall into lives of crime and become a burden on society, unable to hold a steady job or raise a family.
America's new rich are more fearful than their counterparts elsewhere that their children will be deprived of the work ethic to which they themselves attribute their success.
ECONOMIST: Too much money can be bad for you in all sorts of ways
The Sure Start programme is intended to provide integrated support for families in deprived areas, and the Children's Centres are intended as the beginning of a national network.
There will also be efforts to make sure that children from more deprived backgrounds do not lose out because of a lack of computer equipment at home, with a pilot scheme examining ways of reducing this "digital divide".
Because of this, an entire generation of Cambodian children was not only deprived of education but also of educational role models.
When you do that you find about four in 10 children from the most deprived backgrounds are carrying excess weight, compared to nearly three in 10 from the richest.
Children should not be deprived of this knowledge by an inappropriate mixing of the issues of contact and financial support that inevitably occurs in the mess of the ending of a relationship.
The statement also said that Catholic schools educate more children from the most deprived areas with 20% of pupils at Catholic secondary schools living in the most deprived areas compared with 17% nationally.
Intake of fruit is known to be lower among children and families living in deprived areas.
"It is also worse in deprived areas, where 41% of children are not working securely in communication, language and literacy, " it adds.
Christine Chapman (Labour, Cynon Valley) asked what the Government is doing to boost the confidence of children and young people in deprived communities.
State prosecutor Deborah Padilla urged the jury to remember not just the impact on Mr Sapstead, but that Mr Walton had been "deprived of the chance to marry and have children".
Your opinion that a child needs a mother and a father and therefore single people and gay people should be deprived of the right to bear and raise children is not supported by the research that shows children raised by gay and single parents do not suffer harm as a result.
Figures show that 30% of all children in the UK are classed as deprived.
Alan Sinclair said he recommended targeting teenage parents, putting children and family centres in the most deprived areas and thinking "very seriously" about child protection, kinship care and adoption.
An apartment fire has killed a couple, their two children and a teenage friend in Gennevilliers, a deprived northern suburb of Paris.
BBC: Paris apartment fire kills five in Gennevilliers suburb
In June, another study revealed that most children in poverty in Wales lived outside areas officially classed as deprived.
"Over 600, 000 children live below the poverty line and London is home to some of the most deprived boroughs in the country, " said Mr Johnson.
It questions whether English local government can continue to serve deprived communities and suggests the "early evidence points to the distinctive impact of cuts on services for children and young people".
Syria's children are the conflict's "forgotten victims - facing death, trauma and suffering, and deprived of basic humanitarian aid", the report said.
Again the most prestigious universities drew the smallest number of children from poorer families - with less than 10% of students at Oxford and Cambridge being drawn from deprived areas.