Depute leader David Alston said he strongly supported the choice of the chosen route.
Depute leader of East Ayrshire Council, Iain Linton, said it would be a "huge asset" to the area.
Advocate depute Mr McSporran later said he would be calling no more witnesses and closed the case for the prosecution.
Fiscal depute Nicola Gillespie told the court that Morton had helped look after the girl since she was a baby.
On Wednesday, advocate depute Dorothy Bain, prosecuting, told jurors there was a "powerful, compelling and overwhelming case against Peter Tobin".
BBC: The Angelika Kluk murder trial is now drawing to a close
Advocate depute Andrew Miller, prosecuting, said that a post-mortem examination revealed she had been stabbed four times in the back.
Advocate depute Murdoch MacTaggert said Ms Leiper told Mr Mullen he was "lazy" when he refused to go to the shop.
Fiscal depute Alison Wylie told Justice of the Peace Pam Marrs that the lawyers had sought to protect Sir Ranulph's driving licence.
But fiscal depute Emma Stewart told the court that the Crown had insisted that the 50-year-old appear for the intermediate diet hearing.
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Fiscal depute Emma Stewart said she had no objections to the motion.
Procurator fiscal depute Lene Doherty, prosecuting, asked Mr Reilly what happened next.
Christine Hamilton, principal procurator fiscal depute for Glasgow Central and West, said the video footage would be a useful addition to court evidence.
Fiscal depute Rebecca Kynaston told the court Hadden was placed on bail last October with the condition not to enter Ms Robertson's home.
Advocate Depute Jennifer Bain, prosecuting, asked Ms Kane if she had any worries about Mr Kane stealing from his grandmother whilst living there.
The hearing is expected to continue on Thursday with advocate depute Andrew Stewart QC explaining why the Crown believes Hainey's conviction should stand.
Following the appeal judges' decision advocate depute Ashley Edwards asked them to re-impose the community payback order on O'Connor, which had been suspended.
Fiscal depute Lynne Mannion asked the court to ban Mr McLeish from all matches ahead of a trial date in the New Year.
Advocate depute Martin Macari earlier told the court that as he did so, he saw that Ferguson had "a silver object" in his hand.
BBC: James Ferguson jailed for string of attacks in East Lothian
Lord Burns told the jury that he had heard legal arguments from advocate depute Keith Stewart QC and Mr Conning's defence QC, Neil Murray.
Mr McCaig becomes one of the UK's youngest council leaders at 26, with former council leader and Lib Dem John Stewart now depute leader.
BBC: Aberdeen council head Callum McCaig among UK's youngest
Depute procurator fiscal Isobel Clark told the court that Amjid was an employee at the post office and had served Mrs Mills on several occasions.
Advocate depute Douglas Fairley QC said that the victim, aged 28, had left his job as he was afraid to work there alone and at night.
Questioned by advocate depute John Scullion, prosecuting, Det Con Scott agreed that Miss Wright was walking in the same direction as the man with the grey beard.
He was an Advocate Depute from 1972 to 1975 and served as Standing Junior Counsel to the Department of Energy (1976-79) and the Scottish Development Department (1978-79).
After the verdict last August advocate depute Gillian Wade, then head of the Crown Office national sex crimes unit, hailed it as a victory for the new law.
At the earlier hearing, depute fiscal Ian Wallace told the court how Gibb launched his attack as Chalmers was being led away to begin his life in prison.
Fiscal depute Sally Clark said Mr Kinmond, who had worked with the company for 14 years, thought he had slipped as he shovelled the barley to clear a blockage.
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The court was told by procurator fiscal depute Mark Allan that the men appeared from the Hope Street entrance of Central Station and around 50 people were involved in total.
Procurator fiscal depute Joe Stewart told the court the three accused were in a pub in the west end of Glasgow along with about 100 Aberdeen fans before the game.
Advocate depute Stephen O'Rourke said at the High Court in Edinburgh when McGarry had arrived at the flat he had found Mr Galt in the company of his sister Kayleigh Liddle.
BBC: Cairin McGarry jailed for West Lothian flat knife attack