In 2003, he wooed Gary Parr Gary Parr away from Morgan Stanley to be deputy chairman.
In 2007, he became deputy chairman of the FSA following his resignation from HBOS in 2006.
The session ended with peers' tributes to the outgoing chairman and deputy chairman of committees.
Dr Greg Gardner, deputy chairman of the Medical Ethics Alliance also welcomed the High Court's decision.
He served as the deputy chairman of the Royal Opera House from 1983 to 1991.
Karpal Singh, deputy chairman of the Demo-cratic Action Party (DAP) and Anwar's defense lawyer.
Dr Michael Goodman, deputy chairman of the BMA's consultants committee told The Independent he was concerned about the GMC referrals.
The deputy chairman of the IPCC, Ian Bynoe, said a legally registered firearm was recovered from the address.
Lowy, 51, who is Westfield's deputy chairman, says he didn't start the museum with any grand philanthropic aim.
But Conservative MP and former deputy chairman of the Treasury select committee Michael Fallon rejected Mr Clarke's points.
"I think you have to cut your cloth in this industry, " says Royal Brunei deputy chairman Dermot Mannion.
Sir Michael Rake, BT chairman and senior independent director at Barclays, has been appointed deputy chairman at the bank.
The former Conservative deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft makes the allegations in a blog posting on ConservativeHome, which he owns.
The changes were orchestrated by Lord Coe and Mills, the chairman and deputy chairman of the London Olympic Organising Committee.
Dr Sam Everington, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association, said medics would be worried about unlimited private sector involvement.
Jim Wells, the deputy chairman of the regional development committee, said the price of fuel had dropped "dramatically" since then.
The committee's deputy chairman, Sinn Fein MLA Raymond McCartney, has said this should not be the end of the matter.
The deputy chairman of the IPCC, Ian Bynoe, said one firearm was recovered from the address and it was licensed.
The board's deputy chairman, Denis Bradley, said he did not think a standoff had arisen between Sir Ronnie and Mrs O'Loan.
Her younger brother, Mediaset deputy chairman Pier Silvio, demanded to know how Mr Franceschini dared make such a "bad taste" remark.
Gunilla Carlsson, the Moderate Party's deputy chairman and a former member of the European Parliament, is a possibility for the foreign ministry.
ECONOMIST: Out with the Social Democrats, in with the Moderates
Farid Rahman, deputy chairman of the federation's executive committee, told The Wall Street Journal that the leagues would "hopefully" reunite in 2014.
Michael Fallon, the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, says Labour should now vote in support of coalition plans in the Commons.
Michael Fallon, the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, said Labour should now vote in support of coalition plans in the Commons.
Dr Peter Maguire, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association in Northern Ireland, said lack of cleanliness and hygiene were to blame.
Lord Ashcroft became the party's deputy chairman in 2005 and has joined Mr Hague, now the shadow foreign secretary, on foreign business.
ECONOMIST: The Conservative donor ends a decade of speculation
Sarah Newton, the Conservative Party deputy chairman, and senior Tory David Davis also called for legislation for a referendum to be brought forward.
Deputy Conservative deputy chairman Michael Fallon said it was wrong to suggest there had been political interference in the decision about Mr Goodwin.
Pyotr Rodionov, Gazprom's deputy chairman, claimed this week to have no view on what the government should do with its surplus Gazprom stock.
Harry Stonecipher, a former boss of McDonnell Douglas and Boeing's deputy chairman until he retired last year, is to take over the reins.