The caller was South Africa's deputy president and Nelson Mandela's likely successor, Thabo Mbeki.
Deputy President Motlanthe is seen as a potential rival for the head of the ruling party.
In 1999, he became the deputy president of South Africa under President Thabo Mbeki.
Both Mahathir and Anwar were returned as president and deputy president without facing contests.
Instead, they back Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe to become both ANC leader and then South African president.
He had been involved with the farmer's union for many years, before becoming deputy president in 1992.
The good news is that South Africa at least has one: Thabo Mbeki, the country's deputy president.
The caller was South Africa's deputy president and Nelson Mandela's likely successor, Thabo Mbeki (FORBES, Oct. 6, 1996).
But Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's deputy president, has at least offered to give Lesotho a new electoral system.
The leaders, especially Thabo Mbeki, deputy president and ever keen to court friends, were quick to congratulate her.
Kgalema Motlanthe has been replaced as deputy president by anti-apartheid veteran Cyril Ramaphosa.
"In the beginning we were looking at corporate banking, but it didn't make sense, " recounts BII deputy president-director Okkie A.T.
Deputy President William Ruto noted that he and Kenyatta won in the first round of voting despite the U.S. warning.
Those most mentioned are Tokyo Sexwale, a vastly rich tycoon who is currently housing minister, and Kgalema Motlanthe, the deputy president.
In Coca-Cola's case, hackers masqueraded as Coca-Cola's chief executive, sending an email to Paul Etchells, Coca-Cola's deputy president for the Pacific region.
And a wealthy businessman, Cyril Ramaphosa, was elected as deputy president of the party, signalling a more pragmatic approach to economic policy.
But as deputy president, he cannot devote much time to foreign affairs.
Now it is being fitted with a Chinese engine as well, according to Zhang Xinguo, deputy president of AVIC, which includes Shenyang Aircraft.
Kenyatta and Deputy President-elect William Ruto both face charges that they helped orchestrate the 2007-08 postelection violence in which more than 1, 000 people died.
But there has been no further probe into what crimes the 37, who include Thabo Mbeki, the deputy president, may have committed, if any.
Peter Kendell, the NFU's deputy president, said it would be requesting help for farmers seeking cash flow, but would not be asking for a bail-out.
The deputy president is clearly very concerned about the perception that corruption is beginning to thread itself into South Africa's provincial and national government structures.
Many South African government posts are held by people who took their jobs with the sole intention of stealing, according to Deputy President Thabo Mbeki.
It has been 10 months since he was sacked as deputy prime minister, finance minister and deputy president of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO).
Bloomberg reported that one executive - deputy president of Coca-Cola's Pacific Group, Paul Etchells - opened an email he thought was from the company's chief executive.
BBC: The Comment Group: The hackers hunting for clues about you
They cited, for example, Jose Genoud, the Senate's deputy president and a member of Mr de la Rua's Radical party, who has a staff of 60.
Mbeki's supporters broke away from the ANC and formed their own party, and ANC Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe was sworn in as head of the country.
CNN: South African court postpones Zuma corruption proceedings
Mr Nikolic is officially the deputy president of the party as its leader, Vojislav Seselj is facing charges at the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
In an interview broadcast on Saturday but recorded a day earlier, the ANC's newly elected Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said he believed Mandela was "on the mend".
More pertinently, it also decided to support unopposed the prime minister's anointed successor (and Mr Anwar's replacement as deputy prime minister), Abdullah Badawi, as deputy president of the party.