In brokerage, Japan will fully deregulate equity commissions by the end of next year.
It might make more sense to deregulate premiums and charge residents of hurricane alley full freight.
But Ken Clarke, who was in her cabinet, points out she didn't deregulate banks.
After 1991, when a balance-of-payments crisis led India to deregulate, the central bank rediscovered its spine.
The big question is how Arroyo will deregulate the economy without losing her populist appeal.
The states and the feds should properly deregulate this vital industry, primarily by removing territorial monopolies.
But Germany's politicians are far keener to denounce deficits than to deregulate domestic services.
This, in turn, will require governments to deregulate capital and product markets to encourage new businesses.
Governments have also failed to deregulate services, which would help to spur domestic demand.
So long as they continue to innovate, and governments to deregulate, railways have nothing to fear from the future.
We seek to fully deregulate natural gas to bring on new supplies and bring us closer to energy independence.
In fact, if there is a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy to deregulate.
After a long struggle, the labour ministry has at last caved in to demands to deregulate the temporary-employment agencies.
In fact, if Europe wants lower unemployment, it must deregulate, make its labour markets more flexible and trim welfare.
EU, there are moves afoot to deregulate them in order to give greater choice to consumers and greater flexibility to lenders.
It makes sense, suggest some officials, to use this opportunity to help Indonesia's reformers to deregulate the economy and combat corruption.
In 1998 most European Union countries plan to deregulate their domestic telecoms markets, allowing upstarts to compete with entrenched national monopolies.
ECONOMIST: Junk bonds: As European as burgers and fries | The
The medicine for these ills is simple to prescribe, but painfully hard to administer: structural reforms to deregulate labour and product markets.
Perhaps most promising of all is a proposal to deregulate medical care, allowing private companies for the first time into the business.
Full coffers give governments little incentive to privatise, deregulate or make public accounts transparent, all long-standing demands of both foreign and local investors.
At their party conference last month in Turin, the Democrats of the Left rubbished her proposals, especially those that would deregulate the market.
The administration could usefully push for better co-ordination of state-led efforts to deregulate electricity (some of which, happily, have fared much better than California's).
On the one hand, deregulate the economy as much as possible.
FORBES: Blogging 'The Conscience of an Anarchist' by Gary Chartier
But the new political willingness to deregulate goes only so far.
Do you oppose -- I mean, I understand that you oppose the ones that deregulate and some of the others, but do you oppose every single one of them?
Deregulate the health care system, labor markets and utilities.
Mr Eves's Tory predecessor had begun to deregulate electricity.
But his message is ignored by politicians, possibly because he also asks them to deregulate the economy (anathema to their big-business donors) and encourage more women and older people into the workforce.
ECONOMIST: Japan gives a lesson in how not to handle economic diplomacy
Mr Lafontaine resists most of the policies that might reduce unemployment, which is Germany's biggest worry: he is loth to take swift action to deregulate the labour market, shrink the state and cut taxes.
In October, Singapore will completely deregulate brokerage commissions.