These were the first words I had spoken in all the months of my dereliction.
Randy Stone, a Marine legal officer who has been charged with dereliction of duty for not ordering an investigation.
But this is the proposed site for the Clinton presidential library and already, amid the dereliction, people can spy gold.
But she was found guilty of dereliction of duty on seven of the nine acts that were part of the charge.
This summer, Governors Island, well on its way from dereliction to destination, was visited by 345, 000 people in just 40 days.
WSJ: Louis Kahn | Four Freedoms Park | Louis Kahn's Four Decades to Freedom | By Julie V. Iovine
His lawyer, Samuel Spitzberg, says the charges will include dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming to an officer and lying to investigators.
An investigation in 2005 determined that human remains were misrouted, a mistake that constituted a "dereliction of duty, " the report said.
WSJ: Dover Military Mortuary Sent Some 9/11 Remains to Landfill
McConnell was not on the scene that day at Haditha, and his lawyer, Kevin McDermott, wonders why he will face dereliction charges.
The director of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, has been removed from his post for dereliction of duty, the Vatican says.
If this dereliction is allowed to persist, it is predictable that more Americans will die, both on foreign battlefields and at home.
The United States can no longer indulge in such a dereliction of duty, or tolerate, to say nothing of encourage, it in others.
She was in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and she was found guilty on six out of seven charges: conspiracy, maltreating prisoners and dereliction of duty.
Mr Cameron's position was met with incredulity from opposition backbenchers, with former Home Secretary Jack Straw arguing that Mr Hunt's behaviour demonstrated a "palpable dereliction of duty".
"While the inquiry will fix responsibility for any dereliction of duty the fact that this is happening at all is a matter of great regret, " he added.
"It's a dereliction of their duty, a dereliction of service, and we need to get to the bottom of it if that is true, " David Cameron said.
The Georgian, Grade II-listed Lady Gillford's House has been transformed from a state of dereliction over the past nine years to become the focal point of the archive.
If the RECORD trial was reliable, the logic goes, then the 2006 decision by CDER to conceal the risks of Avandia did not represent a dereliction of its public duty.
FORBES: Steven Nissen: The Hidden Agenda Behind The FDA's New Avandia Hearings
Most shocking, however, given its legal obligations, was Penn State's complete dereliction in its responsibilities under express laws, including those mandating reporting and protecting those who bring violations to light.
There was no such protest about Mr Libeskind's glass-shards war museum in Manchester, because it sits amidst cleared industrial dereliction as, indeed, do all the new buildings on the Tyne.
On February 23rd, Peru's Congress formally brought criminal charges, of abandoning office and dereliction of duty, against Mr Fujimori, who presided over the mess and whom many blame for it.
"While the inquiry will fix responsibility for any dereliction of duty, the fact that this happening at all is a matter of great regret, " he wrote on the micro-blogging site, Twitter.
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And military sources say that today, four Marine officers - a lieutenant colonel, two captains and a lieutenant - will face charges that include dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice.
It is that very absence of staff, combined with dereliction that led Lord Adonis in July to label Wakefield Kirkgate as "probably the worst 'medium-large' station I have seen in Britain".
"This is a total dereliction of duty at every level, " added Corker, who has urged Republicans to compromise on the central issue of letting tax rates increase on top income brackets.
Ashby, 31, of Mission Viejo, California, is charged with 20 counts of involuntary manslaughter and one count each of destroying private property, destroying government property, dereliction of duty and improper flight planning.
The reasons given for disagreeing with any extension to the Act for fraud perpetrated on transnational entities are self-serving at best and, at worst, represent a dereliction of their public duty.
"I also regard the failure of the authority to visit every house after the incident to advise them to thoroughly flush their systems as a serious dereliction of their duty, " he said.
"We last looked at the admission's examination about six years ago and it would be a dereliction of duty not to review it again now and that's what we're doing, " Mr Appleyard said.