Leuco thought it was a prank, until he saw that the message indeed derived from Vatican City.
Derived from the Greek word for "circle, " an encyclical is among the church's most authoritative teaching documents.
But I don't know if the economic team has derived the number it would take.
There is no known antidote for the toxin, which is derived from castor beans.
Derived from French and old Catalan, this word nearly bounced champion Arvind Mahankali from the finals.
The data set for Figure 1 was derived from the Ken French Data Library.
The Entrepreneurial Perspective envisions the business in its entirety, from which is derived its parts.
Ocky White derived its name from locals who shortened the name of founder Octavius White.
BBC: Ocky White, 1910 Haverfordwest store, to close in summer
Morgan Chase has analysed the Fed's macroeconomic model of the American economy, derived from past behaviour.
Backtested performance was derived from the retroactive application of a model with the benefit of hindsight.
The other study would look at new low-Earth orbit applications for an ATV-derived vehicle.
However, capital can earn the returns properly derived from the productive use of capital.
FORBES: South Dakota's Ill-Considered Attack On Islamic Financing
The report describes wheat as the world's most important plant-derived protein and calorie source.
The exhibition closes with the inspiration that artists of the Harlem Renaissance derived from African art.
Well corn-derived ethanol has been derided for years as being a waste of food.
First, CXO may have had a grading bias derived from some unintentional animus toward gurus.
FORBES: It's Official! Gurus Can't Accurately Predict Markets
The number is actually derived from a short prayer invoking the name of God.
They derived the actual stem-cell lines for each of these patients, nine of the 11 patients.
In 2001 it derived 34% of its revenue from its dyspepsia medicine, Prilosec (omeprazole).
It could include revenues derived from a yet-to-be created "cap-and-trade" system to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
The encryption key could be derived from the decryption key as easily as vice versa.
But the bulk of its millions have been derived from underwriting and floating huge security issues.
New formulations derived from Alza's technology could increase its efficacy and help control side effects.
Today, that sector is almost entirely dependent on products (gasoline and diesel) derived from oil.
With respect to this final category of fees, these fees are not derived from funds directly.
FORBES: Compelling Pension Consultant Disclosure (June 1, 2002 )
Currently that's not possible, he said, though the figures probably could be derived, given time.
The drawdown of corn inventories is due to huge U.S. government subsidies of corn-derived ethanol.
FORBES: Ethanol Subsidies: Dumping Corn In The Ocean Would Be A Better Idea
The power of Wal-Mart is partly derived from its partnerships and its bold use of technology.
The music is modernist too, atonal rather than derived from the Russian folk tradition.
They were run by brilliant quantitative economists, with models derived from statistics dating back decades.