Willem-Alexander's title, Prince of Orange, derives from the former Principality of Orange in southern France.
Much of her remaining support derives from nostalgia for her father, Indonesia's founding president, Sukarno.
The time is the early 1980's, and the drama derives from the scholarship quest.
The Indigenous Language Media and Democracy in Africa module derives from the last objective.
About 35% of Countrywide's revenue now derives from rental properties, up from 10% in 2007.
Its popularity derives from its simplicity and the fact that weight and height are easily measured.
FORBES: How Useful Is Body Mass Index In Predicting Long-Term Health?
Much of the system's success derives from the readiness of American academics to let market forces work.
The name Dracula actually derives from a chivalric order called the Order of the Dragon, he explains.
Sure, some of its success derives from having original content by the biggest music stars in the world.
FORBES: VEVO's New Website: 5 Lessons For Spotify, YouTube, Etc.
After all, not every company embraces CSR because it now understands the opportunities it derives from enlightened self-interest.
FORBES: The Six Reasons Why Companies Actually Wind Up Embracing CSR
Halvorson is known for her distinct sound on the instrument, some of which derives from her sharp strumming technique.
He can never be liable for more than a small percentage of the compensation he derives from the fund.
FORBES: Actuarial Limitations of Liability? (LOL) Laugh Out Loud! (December 1, 2002 )
The name derives from the Arabic Bent-al Rion, or Daughter of the Winds.
The common name of Burrunan dolphins derives from the Aboriginal Australian for "large sea fish of the porpoise kind".
The word "hedge" derives from the strategy of betting both directions, up and down, in search of abnormal profits.
The clear lesson that derives from all forms of contemporary spying is that digitally connected citizens need personal DRM.
Its name probably derives from a variation of agonalis or agone, for the games held in the emperor's oval stadium.
WSJ: Rome's Piazza Navona: Perfection, Squared | Masterpiece by Willard Spiegelman
Much of Mr Latham's pitch derives from his own experience growing up poor in Green Valley, in Sydney's sprawling western suburbs.
ECONOMIST: Labour's feisty leader takes the election down to the wire
Part of Mr Mandela's saintly aura derives from his tireless appeal to South Africans' nobler instincts, such as forgiveness and remorse.
The name derives from a 1913 incident in which black came up a record 26 times in a row in roulette.
Its derives from the fact that many houses sprung up after a clearing in a forest, where there had been a fire.
BBC: NEWS | VOTE 2001 | RESULTS & CONSTITUENCIES | Brentwood & Ongar
But some it derives from the unique complexity of the Bahraini situation.
Much of this optimism derives from action by the European Central Bank.
MI6's yellowcake allegation derives from information shared by the intelligence services of two other countries, and not passed on to the Americans.
San Jose is acutely sensitive because an estimated 25% of its personal income derives from manufactured exports to the 10 biggest Asian economies.
The new statistic derives from China's first comprehensive national survey on diet, nutrition and diseases, which was conducted by the Ministry of Health.
The annual income Great Britain derives from commissions in her whole foreign and colonial trade, import and export, is estimated by Sir R.
While there may be many tangible benefits Google derives from its connection to Motorola, it will be hard to get any brand leverage.
Innovation derives from how efficiently people can traverse the span from left-to-right, from chaos to control, and then do it again and again.
FORBES: The Key to Growing Innovation Ecosystems Is... Love?
As a greater share of personal income derives from options, so more people manage to persuade themselves that equity prices will keep rising.