Descartes, Mr Gribbin explains, invented the geometric system that bears his name after watching a fly buzzing around a rectangular room.
Moreover, a 2006 study by the University of Paris Descartes' Wolf H.
In 1596, philosopher Rene Descartes was born in La Haye, France.
And that approach laid the essential framework for Descartes and Newton.
Neurologist Antonio Damasio, a professor at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, suggests in his book Descartes' Error that emotion is critical to effective thinking and decision making.
Why does France, the land of Pascal and Descartes, home to top nuclear physicists and aviation engineers--the birthplace of the World Wide Web's precursor, Minitel--lag little Israel in technology entrepreneurship?
Until 1802, when Howard delivered his groundbreaking paper, "On the Modification of Clouds, " an aerial nomenclature had eluded even such keen observers of the natural world as Aristotle, Seneca and Descartes.
Christian Spaulding, a professor of cardiology at Rene Descartes University in Paris, cautions that the new analyses should be published in medical journals so that other researchers can look at the data.
In addition works from internationally renowned scientists such as Euclid, Descartes, Galileo and Newton will be shown, as well as a 17th century microscope and telescope that would have been used to make these important scientific discoveries.
Before Galileo began running balls down an inclined plane to measure changes in velocity, and before Descartes developed his coordinate system, the German Jesuit Christoph Clavius, designed the mathematics curriculum for the major universities of Europe.
FORBES: A Long Forgotten Father of the Scientific Revolution
Lars is one of the most likable, well-rounded members of the bunch, and he displays why on "True Player for Real, " which references everyone from Charles Bukowski to John Peel to Descartes to tasered University of Florida student Andrew Meyer.