Coreper's current chairman, Bernard Bot, is a businesslike Dutchman with a deserved reputation for efficiency.
They are keen to rid themselves of a well-deserved reputation for opportunism and self-service, won in the days of Suharto.
And the law firm at the bottom of the complaint, Bartlit Beck , has a well-deserved reputation for top-gun litigation.
The budget squeeze is already endangering the states' deserved reputation for bipartisanship.
As it turns out, Butler's vice is actually a virtue: The team has a well-deserved reputation for knowing how to foul without fouling.
My reward in following this advice has uniformly been that my Welsh hosts would live up to the well-deserved reputation of the Welsh as being among the most verbal and most talkative of all peoples.
But the cavalier treatment of passengers left stranded by flight cancellations and the yelling of obscenities at people who, in sometimes tragic circumstances, make the mistake of asking for a refund have given Ryanair a deserved reputation for nastiness.
Perhaps the Times should live up to its assuredly well-deserved reputation and take heed of the esteemed position that it holds by knowing the facts before drawing conclusions about the relative quality of health care in the United States.
FORBES: The Liberal Media's Erroneous Indictment Of U.S. Health Care: There They Go Again...
Duncan Fletcher, a refugee from Zimbabwe who is England's coach, has a deserved public reputation as a taciturn, unsmiling figure.
Mr Duisenberg quickly acquired an unwelcome, but deserved, reputation for shooting from the hip, with public comments from him confusing and sometimes destabilising the financial markets.
At any rate, some of the reputation is deserved in that it does not assess income tax on wages and proprietors and partners of operating businesses can treat some of their profits as wages.
And his extended soliloquies are also a way for him to mock his reputation, well deserved, according to accounts of some of his Senate colleagues over the years, for having an explosive temper.
And the reputation is well deserved.
FORBES: Revealed! Silicon Valley's Secrets To Innovation Success
But this latest deal looks very good indeed, and Mr Mayhew's reputation, if not the bank's, thoroughly deserved.
Mr. Buckles has conceded that the Olympic contract had wreaked considerable damage to the company's reputation, and that he had to prove to investors that he deserved to keep his job.