In addition, as the slim form factor fits in an 8.5mm x 8.5mm auto focus camera module with a height dimension of 6.0mm, the S5K3H2 gives design engineers a great deal of freedom in designing camera modules suitable for slim mobile handsets and small form factor applications.
ENGADGET: Samsung releases 8 and 12 megapixel CMOS smartphone sensors, shoots 1080p on the go
Unfortunately, with all of this new-found freedom, design for the web and apps has become filled with skeuomorphic user interfaces that attempt to imitate the appearance of real things in digital form.
FORBES: Microsoft's Site Redesign Will Introduce Mainstream Business To The Responsive Web
My last conversation with Adrian Bejan ended on the notion that if design in nature is a universal principle of the material world, then freedom is the key variable that determines how efficiently designs can evolve over time.
FORBES: The Constructal Sessions, Part II: Freedom and Design
The Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), the brainchild of the LFF, with the support of the notorious Discovery Institute, and signed into law by Governor Bobby Jindal in 2008, effectively allows creationists in towns and districts to introduce creation science and intelligent design theory (ID) into the public school science classes under the guise of academic freedom.
FORBES: Creeping Creationism in Louisiana Public Schools?