However desirable a neutral Internet may be, the rule of law is more important.
In the final result, a higher point total means a less desirable job, and a lower score reflects a more desirable one.
This classic brick colonial is in a desirable neighborhood on a tree-lined street in Memphis.
"In order to entice a desirable mate, a woman needs to assess the attractiveness of other women in her local environment to determine how eye-catching she needs to be to snare a good man, " she said.
Today, however, a 928 is much less desirable than a 911 of the same vintage.
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And a short deadline for the talks imposes a desirable focus and urgency that a long suspension would destroy.
The point is that every transaction involves tradeoffs, and a slightly less desirable house at a far more agreeable price can make the difference between building wealth and overextending yourself.
This property would be desirable in a material for making helmets, says Mr Mahdavi.
Yet to remain desirable, a top restaurant dare not be seen to economise.
They are also robust, fault-tolerant and able to respond quickly to an intruder all qualities that are desirable in a digital immune system, too.
Because deficit reduction, with the exception of a few esoteric groups -- most of them inside Washington -- is not a desirable goal unto itself, it is a goal in service of a bigger goal, which is economic growth, stability for the middle class, more and better job creation.
Trust is obviously a desirable emotion when the goal is to form a business partnership or agree on a deal.
Being product focused and seen as a technology innovator may be more desirable traits for a leader than having a business-centric persona.
She said having a cycling network would make cycling a "desirable choice, " with this a key time to get more people on a bike before the "Olympic buzz dwindles".
When I witnessed the job-search drama as a student at Yale Law School, just about the most desirable placement was a spot at Cravath.
The author argues that without desirable apps like Instagram BlackBerry becomes a lot less desirable.
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In this perspective, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) provided an overview on the key ocean issues that are being discussed through the Rio negotiation process and highlighted a number of desirable ocean targets that would mark a successful outcome at Rio.
"This is just the first study which was focused on the idea that men of a certain age view sex as a highly desirable goal, and if you present them with a provocative woman, then that will tend to prime goal-related responses, " she told CNN.
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The 2008 Times article also referenced a study by a Clemson professor back in 2004 confirming that desirable red snapper is a frequent victim of aquatic identity theft.
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No list includes the ability to reinvent itself among the desirable qualities of a city.
Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny.
It isn't desirable to cause a heart attack in the name of trying to prevent one.
Cocoa flooded into Europe from the Americas through Habsburg-ruled Spain, and artisan chocolates became a desirable luxury in Vienna.
But protecting the least desirable jobs is a poor substitute for encouraging better education and training.
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That may or may not be a desirable situation, but it is the legal system we have.
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You understand how we can each work for our own self-interest and still produce a desirable social outcome.
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Japan recently emerged to be a desirable market after its people lost faith in nuclear power post Fukushima.
But maybe they think that winning the White House in 2012 is not such a desirable treat anyway.
In any case, getting rid of bad teachers is obviously a desirable outcome.