Elsewhere, many commentators are anxious that the French operation in Mali could destabilise the entire region.
It claims that Turkish intervention threatens to destabilise the only part of Iraq that remains calm.
It could also destabilise the central government of President Asif Zardari, another PPP-led coalition.
The UN's Somalia envoy, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, told Reuters that piracy was threatening to destabilise the region.
And it is taking steps to ensure that hedge-fund wobbles do not destabilise the entire financial system.
"I am not concerned that the recent events will destabilise the financial system in Japan, " he said.
Whatever the motivation of Mr Qadir's killer, his assassination threatens to destabilise a fragile peace in Afghanistan.
The Sanaa government fears Iran is working with separatists and rebels in the south to destabilise the country.
It was immediately seized on as an example of how the changes were threatening to destabilise the health service.
International pressure had been applied to Macedonia's leaders not to destabilise the region by declaring a state of war.
Nor did he want in any way to destabilise Renault, for which he had worked for over 30 years.
As Lehman Brothers showed, a dying investment bank can destabilise the entire system.
But it did not destabilise the ice sheet or provide a new reason to worry about rising sea levels.
One minister muttered darkly about efforts to destabilise France ahead of its presidency of the G20 later this year.
The UN says it fears the continuing violence could destabilise the whole region.
Kenya accuses Somalia's al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militant group of trying to destabilise the country.
America meanwhile warned Syria to cease attempts to destabilise the government of Lebanon.
But others argue that it may not be sustainable - and the attempt to unwind these huge imbalances could destabilise the world economy.
By placing aggressive bets on currencies, the argument goes, hedge funds destabilise financial markets and drive fragile economies to the wall.
ECONOMIST: The villains of global finance deserve a better reputation
Mr Obama must make clear that he will not cut them adrift and will not tolerate attempts to destabilise their governments.
The French are not usually bothered by such matters, but Mr Strauss-Kahn's enemies could bring them up to try to destabilise him.
Bolivia has "irrefutable evidence" that the US has been working to destabilise the government of President Evo Morales, a senior minister has said.
BBC: Bolivia accuses United States of plotting against Morales
Mr Sarkozy, who suspected a plot at the time to destabilise him, has sued Mr Bertrand for false accusation, forgery and invasion of privacy.
The head of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, a grouping that includes Myanmar, has warned that the Rohingya crisis could destabilise the region.
FORBES: Myanmar's Ethnic Conflict Flares In Shadow Of Asian Oil Investments
Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, at a news conference, urged Libyans to back their government in the face of "people who want to destabilise the country".
Computer modelling suggests that as ageing stars throw off their outer layers and lose mass to become a dwarf, they destabilise the environment around them.
One analyst, Dr Hamid Ghany, said the president's refusal to swear in the full cabinet could destabilise the country, already deeply split along racial lines.
The notes, made in concentration camps under Operation Bernhard, were a German plot to destabilise the British economy by flooding the UK with the fake money.
In recent months, they have pulled on one lever after another in an attempt to stop the overlending and overinvestment that threaten to destabilise the economy.
Eager to prevent a greater Germany from rising again to destabilise Europe, the allies agreed in 1943 that post-war Austria should have an identity of its own.