Members of both parties are beginning to see the destructiveness of our drug war policies.
We were also the first to reveal the destructiveness of America's most powerful union, the National Education Association.
It was a tragedy of a life the word, for once, seems apt: short, brilliant and, in its destructiveness, unstoppable.
Yet, it is possible that in the "stop the world, I want to get off" mood, some countries will choose self-destructiveness.
The National Hockey League has a unique penchant for self-destructiveness in the way it conducts negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement.
One came from a "radical" theology of arms control, which sought to base U.S. security on guaranteeing the maximum destructiveness of nuclear war.
The jihad of the hand (also known as the jihad of the sword) is the most conspicuous in virtue of its immediate destructiveness.
The smoldering ruin of the once-vibrant Pacific Rim is devastating testimony to the destructiveness of those traditional IMF prescriptions of devaluation and tax increases.
For heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine the rates of addiction among users are too high and the destructiveness of addiction too great to make regulation workable.
These bureaucrat-economists ignore copious evidence on the destructiveness of currency devaluation.
The GOP must reduce the destructiveness of the presidential primaries.
And Ringil is hot-headed and prone to self-pity and self-destructiveness.
If that all means that in some sense Osama Bin Laden provoked the U.S. into self-destructiveness, then in that sense he won the struggle he began on September 11.
FORBES: September 11 and American Innocence: What Really Happened to Us?
It would threaten to spread its destructiveness beyond Syrian borders and raise the incentive for other militias to start using chemical agents, potentially fueling a market among terrorist groups everywhere.