• "I think the treatment we have had from them has been a bit shabby, " he told Today, arguing that the committee had been sent a detailed account of the legal advice used to reach a decision regarding the former director general.

    BBC: George Entwistle pay-off cavalier use of public money - MPs

  • Still, the negligence case filed by his mother against AEG promises to deliver the most detailed account of the singer's addiction struggles, including testimony from his ex-wife Debbie Rowe about treatments involving the anesthetic propofol dating back to the 1990s.

    NPR: Jackson's Private Life On Display In Civil Trial

  • Mrs Kamte's book provides a detailed account of how the policemen ended up in a lane near the Cama hospital, where they were killed when two of the gunmen ambushed their vehicle.

    BBC: Mumbai widow's book alleges police lapses over attacks

  • The obstetrician read her witness statement to the court, giving a detailed, chronological account of the treatment she provided to Mrs Halappanavar.

    BBC: Savita Halappanavar

  • Select appropriate techniques for the elicitation of detailed requirements taking into account the nature of the required changes, established practice and the characteristics and culture of those providing the requirements.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Software Developer (28/11/2011) 1CAUIS0997ST & 1CAUIS0998ST - (P1P2)

  • Richard Rhodes's account is the more detailed of the two, and shows more prints.

    ECONOMIST: John James Audubon

  • The result is not merely the first detailed account in English of this remarkable life, but the fullest in any language.

    ECONOMIST: 18th-century heroes

  • As the IMF's senior representative in Russia, based in Moscow during the 1990s, Mr Gilman is well-placed to offer an unusually detailed account of what really went on as the IMF tried to work with the Russian authorities to help it move from post-Soviet chaos to a functioning market economy.

    ECONOMIST: The Russian default

  • The couple kept a detailed account of their journey on a blog, which they hope will help others in a similar predicament.

    WSJ: Hiring A Surrogate In India

  • All senior bureaucrats are supposed to provide the commission with a detailed account of their financial position, and must tell it about any attempts at bribery.

    ECONOMIST: Pervasive corruption is bad for business

  • Once musicologist offered a detailed account with notation of how James Brown funkified(ph) the regular cadences of Stokely Carmichael's "Black Power" chant.

    NPR: A Tribute to James Brown

  • If Mr Woodruff's crisp and detailed account of this process has its shortcomings, they lie perhaps in underestimating the part played by greed and corruption.

    ECONOMIST: Russian economics

  • Combine these facts with the practices of many credit card companies that provide detailed account information by automated phone systems when you call from your home number and this can become a real threat.

    FORBES: Your Delta Boarding Pass: More Information For Identity Thieves

  • New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who has handled the Citigroup investigation, is also expected to release a detailed account of his findings.

    FORBES: Wall Street Buys Peace

  • Here we take a detailed look at factors that support our forecast that the number of payments per account on PayPal are going to increase from 1.6 per month to about 2.5 per month in 2019.

    FORBES: Quick Take

  • He also has an eye for modern applications, and offers detailed discussion of the relevance of the Riemann hypothesis to cryptographic security as well as an interesting account of its possible links with quantum physics.

    ECONOMIST: Mathematics

  • Hit up the source -- Talking Points Memo -- for a far more detailed, insightful account of what's actually going down.

    ENGADGET: The internet kill switch and other lies the internet told you

  • While we are unable to provide detailed information on how we link related accounts, please know that we have reviewed your account on the basis of the information provided and regret to inform you that it will not be reopened.

    FORBES: How Amazon Can Make Your Kindle Content Vanish -- And Not Give You A Reason Why

  • The results range from a few pages that our initial Inventory Consultant gathers to see if our product was the right fit for the customer, to pages (sometimes even dozens of pages) of highly detailed and even personal information such as individual names and roles within the company, for every account.

    FORBES: Is It Possible To Gather Too Much Customer Data? No!

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