The last detailed survey of the Brazilian Amazon was carried out in the 1970s, and its results published in 1983.
To answer these questions, I recruited just over 100 users from my free bill-sharing site to take a detailed survey.
Biscoe says that her detailed survey discourages fake complainers, and the site's software can deter spamming by flagging multiple complaints from one source.
As part of this lengthy process, petitioners were required to submit numerous items to the department, including detailed survey work and core drilling samples.
Since even a small mission to an asteroid costs hundreds of millions of dollars, this is not an easy choice, especially considering the growing number of potential collisions that a more detailed survey will probably uncover.
ECONOMIST: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
And, last spring, along with Karl Case of Wellesley College and Anne Thompson of McGraw-Hill Construction, I conducted a detailed survey of the attitudes of recent home buyers in four American cities, as I discussed here in October.
October 1, 2012-The percentage of Americans who have mobile internet access has risen dramatically in the last year, a trend that is rapidly changing how people get news and the implications for how to finance it, according to a new, detailed survey of news use on mobile devices conducted by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) in collaboration with The Economist Group.
ENGADGET: Pew Research finds 22 percent of adults in US own tablets, low-cost Android on the rise
As detailed in a recent survey of business owners by Thumbtack, most of the legal and regulatory reform that needs to happen to help entrepreneurs is at the state and local level.
Mr. van Heerden said this survey was the most detailed the association had ever conducted in China.
The CDC's survey also uses more-detailed questions than the Justice Department's, and gets a much higher number.
Each survey respondent will get a detailed AMQ benchmark report shortly there after.
You can also choose to provide more detailed information about your current job with the optional survey for a more accurate analysis.
Additionally, a visitor and pilgrim survey is being carried out to collect detailed information related to visitor and pilgrim activities within the Sacred Garden.
The more detailed analysis, using data from the Labour Force Survey, eliminates households who have already qualified for benefits and so would not be affected by removing the "right to reside" test., a 14-year-old career website owned by IBM that supplies job seekers with free general salary information and more detailed information for a fee, just released a survey where it asked workers how they waste time at work.
The survey was written by two newsmen, one a Muslim and the other a Christian, and detailed how unverified rumors spread and triggered unreasoning anger.