The Silverdale Hoard was found in a field in September 2011, by a metal detecting enthusiast.
For 50 years, the Pap test has been the gold standard for detecting cervical cancer.
Each letter will be read by detecting slight changes in the nanopore's electrical properties.
Detecting all automated behavior could force spammers to replace cheap software with relatively expensive humans.
The person's breathing rate is measured by detecting the rise and fall of his chest.
Soon mobile technology could play a large role in detecting, mapping and responding to epidemics.
By now you should be detecting a pattern of traits so apparent they are even humorous.
One of the minor symptoms of the problem is a difficulty in detecting visual motion.
Most police forces in Britain have specially adapted patrol vehicles capable of detecting tracker signals.
Detecting and clearing such mines should continue to receive urgent attention from our government and others.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Open Letter to the Senate re: Landmines
GPs could play a greater role in social care, for example in detecting domestic violence.
There was a substantial public interest defence in that the stories were detecting and exposing crime.
These tests, they believe, are distinct improvements on the traditional means of detecting the disease.
Detecting any effect would require that both the control group and the test group were enormous.
It is, for instance, being tested in Hungary for detecting signs of cancer in mammograms.
CT2WS built on the concept that humans are inherently adept at detecting the unusual.
This is the idea that the number of these particles we should be detecting changes as the seasons change.
BBC: Dark Matter: Experiment to shed light on dark particles
One hot topic is detecting signs of the disorder in children who haven't reached their first birthday.
The computers would be useful in running stock exchanges, instantly detecting and adjusting for surges in trading.
The report also demanded greater responsibility by CPAs for detecting and disclosing illegal acts by their clients.
FORBES: Why Everybody's Jumping On The Accountants These Days
It reveals Lawrence's enlightened attitude to gender issues, and his acuteness in detecting and exposing sexist attitudes.
Detecting fraud at corporations using outside sources is difficult, so discovering fraudulent activity often starts with employees.
Sophos says it analyzed 11 billion Web pages and is detecting 5, 000 newly infected sites a day.
The IMF was both late in detecting the problem and ineffective in getting the government to act.
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The unmanned planes are capable of detecting people and vehicles from a height of 6, 000 metres (19, 685ft).
It tries to figure out your home address by detecting where the device is during most nights.
Apart from detecting artefacts, Dr Frazier believes that the device could also be used to find landmines.
We must give greater bite to the global watchdogs responsible for detecting hidden weapon systems and programs.
Dr Fortunato and Dr Martins tested their prototypes for two months without detecting any fall in performance.
The bursts Swift is detecting are a sign of one of the most spectacular explosions in the universe.
BBC: NASA's Swift satellite observes massive supernova stars