But these challenging conditions did nothing to deter Macaskill, who hails from Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye.
At the moment, however, our airports operate as if their mission is to deter return visits.
The new tax will deter competition, so this may be a blessing in disguise for Genting.
It is also a problem, since bad vibes may deter potential migrants and investors.
The cost and time involved could deter "candidates from non-traditional backgrounds", the organisation said.
We will preserve our unique ability to project power and deter threats to peace.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Australian Parliament
Bennett and Scott agree that travelers shouldn't let the dishonest skipper out there deter them.
This aggression threatens to stifle growth and deter future innovation in a market with incredible potential.
FORBES: Correcting Herb Kohl (And Kayak And Bing Travel ...) On Google/ITA
The move is a major defensive play against take-over to deter an aggressive buyer.
FORBES: Temple-Inland Shareholders Weigh Future Of Stock With International Paper Offer
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said it "works hard to detect and deter theft".
One recent visitor told CNN that the volatility of the region should not deter pilgrims.
In fact, API says it does not want to deter the production of alternative fuels.
The intent was that the mere presence of police would deter any would-be attackers.
Authorities say the massive security operation is not intended to deter people from coming to Washington.
CNN: Authorities mount record security effort to ensure inaugural safety
But these efforts are unlikely to deter the masses of people seeking better opportunities.
It is the responsibility of the Missile Defense Agency to deter and counter this threat.
Ken Mallory, who serves on the new board, fears that the conflict will deter investors.
Recent editorial described the best plantings to attract assorted birds, and how to deter deer.
Chile was trying to deter short-term capital inflows in the early 1990s, for example.
That does not deter us from persisting in trying to make our solutions work.
The aim on this occasion was to deter the pickers and no arrests were made.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Night clampdown on cockle pickers
This will only deter business investment, which is critical to job creation and higher wages.
Another obvious step is to deter the cattle raiders by improving security in the arid borderlands.
With an arsenal of patents, large companies can deter others from suing it for patent infringement.
This does not deter his devotees, who besiege the shop whenever a new flavour appears.
Lower-than-the-Asian-average caps on foreign ownership of airport operators and airlines deter foreign investment in transport services.
WSJ: Business Asia: Investing: It's More Frustrating in the Philippines
Storing nuclear waste beneath the Lake District could deter people from visiting, national park bosses claim.
BBC: Lake District National Park fears over nuclear waste store
Mr Grieve suggested longer sentences should have been imposed to deter others from committing similar crimes.
He said doing so would deter experts from being candid when giving future advice.
It also demonstrated the peculiar utility of otherwise unusable nuclear weapons: to deter a conventional attack.