Even skeptics will struggle to resist the pressure for further money printing from politicians and those mainstream economists who have staked their careers on the belief that deter-mined central banks can always conjure up the necessary demand to keep economies growing.
But the BBC's home affairs correspondent Andy Tighe said there were fears within the Police Federation, which represents officers, that removing additional payments for anti-social or dangerous work could deter high-quality candidates from applying to join the police.
On July 17th, Moody's, a credit-rating agency, gave warning that it was considering downgrading South Africa's sovereign debt to sub-investment grade, a move that would deter much-needed foreign investment.
Chile was trying to deter short-term capital inflows in the early 1990s, for example.
However, the mayor of Newry criticised the proposals and said he feared it would deter cross-border shoppers.
The government hopes that by making such information public, it will deter would-be undergraduates from enrolling in dead-end subjects.
ECONOMIST: In higher education, a free-for-all does not work
The theory is that exposure to the grim realities of life in prison will deter at-risk youths from future crime.
It called for "effective and dissuasive" sentences in such cases to deter would-be criminals, including bigger asset seizures by the authorities.
The exact spot, known to The Economist, is being kept from the general public to deter curiosity-seekers who might scare them off.
The company has put in special measures to deter criminals - including SmartWater, a system which sprays thieves with an invisible solution.
Higher borrowing costs deter private-sector companies, but do not discourage inefficient state-owned enterprises, because they are less bothered about their return on capital.
ECONOMIST: Economics focus: A stitch in time saves nine | The
Nevertheless, it seems alarmist to suggest that Indonesian wage costs alone will deter labour-intensive manufacturing, even though their rise has outpaced productivity in recent years.
It also suggests why floating rates did not deter cross-border investment.
ECONOMIST: The link between exchange rates and asset markets
Despite Ms Gillard's claim that it would deter asylum-seekers from making dangerous sea journeys, the plan was more about shifting all asylum processing offshore: anywhere but Australia.
This isn't likely to deter first-time buyers, says Ramakrishnan.
Paul Givan of the DUP called for robust action, citing South Africa where some cars were fitted with flamethrowers to deter car-jackers, although he accepted that this might be going too far for Northern Ireland.
You also can put the stuff under your doorway to deter break-ins (the Bubble Wrap burglar alarm) or stuff it in your bra (the Bubble Wrap boob job) or sleep on it (the Bubble Wrap bed).
IMF-inflicted pain would also deter other indebted euro-zone countries from seeking aid.
The intent was that the mere presence of police would deter any would-be attackers.
But, as a politician, he would like to do everything to deter further job-seekers, invited or otherwise.
France's notoriously burdensome labour regulations deter hiring full-time workers and ensure a strong demand for staff on short-term contracts.
But the judge in the case, Wilhelm Hubbert, disagreed and said he wanted the verdict to deter other internet-access providers from doing the same.
The campaign has been launched by Preston's Deter Partnership Team - a group of specialists from the police, social workers and charities - set up to deal with grooming and child sexual exploitation offences.
That is foolish. although top-up fees might deter poorer students if applied universally, they could be means-tested.
Without a sales commission to deter trading, no-load investors hold their positions for an average of a year and a half.
Not an option: he will not stay. (He even booked a Caribbean cruise to deter attempts to co-opt him.) A vote?
However there is a fear that continuing violence - the result of disillusionment with the Middle East peace process - could deter visitors.
Instead, critics worry that greater cost-consciousness will deter people, particularly poor people, from essential preventive medical care, a trend that could even raise long-term costs.
ECONOMIST: America's health-care crisis: Desperate measures | The
Because making any promotional statement regarding the off-label use of a drug constituted, at the very least, a criminal misdemeanor offense, pharmaceutical companies spent millions of dollars annually on compliance and training programs to deter and detect off-label promotion by sales representatives.
As a global power with worldwide interests, it is imperative that the United States now and for the foreseeable future be able to deter and defeat large-scale, cross-border aggression in two distant theaters in overlapping time frames, preferably in concert with regional allies.