These include uncertainty around the impact of future funding costs and potential credit deterioration, said Ball.
Moreover, Beijing appears to be adding to the program as the economy continues to show signs of deterioration.
It is still shocking to see the deterioration in black and white in today's release.
They should but the deterioration of their financial situation is going to make it difficult.
While shooting a movie, the Movie Teleconverter function magnifies up to 4x without image deterioration.
"There has been a further deterioration in the fiscal position of the country, " this person said.
The only thing that will force Suharto out is further and complete economic deterioration.
Poor economic conditions and cuts in government subsidies were blamed for the deterioration in trading.
But the deterioration in the terms of trade can also generate its own momentum.
Nevertheless, Barclays warns that the probability of significant financial deterioration is far from negligible.
FORBES: Barclays Sees Global Econ Heading On "Treacherous Path"
The work is repairing significant corrosion to the crane rails and deterioration to the slipway.
Eventually, a doctor identified the problem as Alzheimer's disease, a slow deterioration of mental faculties.
We had 1, 500 some weeks ago so we see a continuous deterioration in the situation.
The council initially thought severe winter weather was to blame for the deterioration of the surface.
The sharp drop after the Labor Day weekend caused further deterioration in the technical outlook.
This week, we received chilling new data points pointing to further deterioration of European consumer spending.
The relevant question, however, is whether they experienced that much fundamental deterioration in one month.
The muscular deterioration is similar to that found in older people suffering from sarcopenia.
Finally, we're no longer seeing the severe deterioration in the job market that we once were.
America has experienced an almost identical deterioration in its private-sector net savings in recent years.
Earlier fiscal packages are finally filtering through the economy and basically stopping the rapid deterioration.
But what if the stock market turmoil sets off another deterioration in the wider global economy?
The deterioration of Europe's productivity growth is probably not as bad as it seems.
The emergence of Balkan nationalism gets less attention than the deterioration of Ottoman fashion.
Furthermore, the rate of deterioration seemed to be accelerating, topping nine percent per decade since 1979.
Agricultural scientists are increasingly aware of slow, irreversible trends in soil and climate deterioration.
The deterioration of English-Indian relations in New England forms the core of Mr Philbrick's tale.
Some cause a gradual deterioration, while others lead to bouts of illness, followed by partial recovery.
Over time, that neglect and carelessness contributed to the deterioration of our relationships with each other.
Last week Fitch put these issues on negative credit watch because of further concerns about deterioration.