Complicating matters further for CEOs, Boards, and Comp Committees attempting to determine what to do about bonuses, is all the recent media attention and public outrage in regard to what is perceived by many to be excessive, frivolous compensation.
As she struggled to determine what she could do to help, she sought the answer in her own past.
We provide some tips to help you determine what you need to do to finish your taxes and get your tax return in on time.
"Since yesterday they have been assessing the situation in order to determine how we can do more to help those who have contracted cholera or are at risk of developing the disease, " said Benjamin Fouda, the ICRC's health coordinator in Zimbabwe.
That fact is what led Cold Stone executives to embark on a three month tour to try and determine what the company needed to do to drive customers from their computer screens to one of the 1, 300 Cold Stone locations nationwide.
But I want you guys to read and hit the books and do your math, because that's really what's going to determine how you do in the future.
WHITEHOUSE: The President Brings Christmas Cheer to Boys and Girls Club
Its a lot easier to just pin a lable on someone than to actually do the work to determine the impact of a player.
"It's always good to compete against the person who's your main rival before the championships so you can determine what you need to do, " he said.
Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano will travel to Staten Island with FEMA Deputy Administrator Richard Serino, to meet with residents and local authorities to determine what more the federal government can do to aid the response.
It is impossible to determine if countries are doing what they agreed to do under the terms of the treaty.
But know that we take security seriously, and we have the logs to do a full forensic analysis to determine the scope of what happened.
While experts said it is difficult to determine how many people belong to hate groups, they do agree with an SPLC estimate that claims there are about 900 operating now, a 40 percent increase from 2000.
CNN: White supremacists watched in lead up to Obama administration
If a power is effective only upon your disability, what is a third party supposed to do, bring a judicial proceeding to determine your disability?
What can you do to determine culture fit and aligned expectations?
What Russia eventually decides to do will determine Kyoto's fate.
For their part, the insurance providers say issues like income and education are used as objective actuarial measurements to help determine premiums and do not imply deliberate demographic discrimination.
FORBES: Why Safe Drivers Aren't Always Charged The Lowest Car Insurance Rates
Add to that the fact that the judge has barred him from making the argument that the war is illegal, and there's not much left for this court martial to do but determine his punishment.
Sanchez's future is the thorniest subject here, and it probably won't go away for a while, not at least until the Indianapolis Colts, who finished 2-14 and own the first pick in the upcoming draft, determine what they are going to do with Manning.
Where do we derive the laws that the court system hews to, and how do we determine who is judge and jury?
We've had to evaluate each of those cases, hundreds of cases, one by one, to determine what these various categories are, and do it in a way that stands up to our standards of due process and legal scrutiny.
Whether this had anything to do with his scholarly activity I was unable to determine.
The company has agreed to do this to determine whether or not that can be delivered.
These decisions will do much to determine the compatability of Clinton policies with the U.S. national interest.
If you have a small business, it would not be the worst thing to do to consult with your attorney or CPA to determine if it is adequately capitalized, at least if the business has potential creditor worries.
It will now be up to each state to determine whether or not they wish to accept this government largess and may do so without threat of losing what they currently receive from the federal government should they opt out of expansion.
FORBES: Who Do You Think Is Benefitting From Medicaid? You May Be Surprised
This means it isn't possible to review the To Do List, manage your Season Passes or to even determine why a show didn't record from the Mini.
The first thing you need to do is talk to your loan officer and accountant to determine your total interest cost, net of the tax benefit, which will tell you how much your investment portfolio needs to earn in order to pay off the interest-rate charges of your mortgage.
To come up with a quote, a good contractor will do a heat-load calculation to determine what size unit and how much piping to install.