That cost, some said, might be an even bigger deterrent to skiers than FAA restrictions.
Maybe the Orange Bowl will be a bigger deterrent, a deterrent, but certainly not the weather.
The nuclear deterrent is not the only element of America's commitment to the region, of course.
Maybe that deterrent will be sufficient to keep Google providing its most heavily used products.
States to retain a credible deterrent to the use of such Iraqi weaponry of mass destruction.
The Conservatives say such top-up fees will act as a "severe deterrent" to poorer students.
And where critics see a dearth of weapons being found, he sees a deterrent.
For something to be an effective deterrent, then, it has to hurt the team.
They say Mofaz's threat is meant to serve primarily as a deterrent to Iran.
But the regulator admitted the amount was "totally inadequate" as a deterrent to the company.
BBC: Google fined over illegal wi-fi data capture in Germany
The initial deterrent effect has largely disappeared because people just take it for granted.
The home of the UK's nuclear deterrent, Trident, is currently at Faslane on the Clyde.
Some inactive cameras will be kept to act as a speeding deterrent to drivers.
The court case has him concerned about the potential loss of a powerful deterrent.
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Coolly maintaining our deterrent and not over-reacting to hyperbole is the proper course of action.
Stronger enforcement of regulations would act as a deterrent and help reduce corruption levels.
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Secretary Perry was quite right that the ability to conduct two MRCs was a powerful deterrent.
Some of them have been pretty clear that the deficit is a long-term deterrent to growth.
And it certainly is not a robust enough deterrent to prevent others from doing the same.
Some activists say the death penalty would be a major deterrent for potential rapists.
What is supposed to be a deterrent effectively becomes a get-out-of- jail free card.
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Until that day arrives, no U.S. President can afford to let our nuclear deterrent erode.
Clearly, a system of justice culminating in the death penalty has had little deterrent effect.
It's not just critics of the nuclear deterrent that question whether that's still a reasonable figure.
Pushing them back out to sea is not an effective deterrent it just jeopardizes lives.
Is it possible to maintain a safe and reliable nuclear deterrent without realistic underground testing?
" Even "the United Kingdom and France have programs to maintain their deterrent capabilities.
Any added risk due to having a gun in the house is balanced by this deterrent.
It does send out a very clear message and should act as a deterrent.
If so, are the candidates espousing policies that will ensure we have such a deterrent?