Graffiti covers the walls, and party detritus is scattered across the floor where office workers once walked.
It is populated by cultural detritus and ephemera with which we are friendly, if you will.
For every interesting gadget or prototype, there were dozens of small booths hawking digital detritus.
The massive lot at the beach-side Jacob Riis Park was piled high with storm detritus.
Modern Latin American economic history is littered with the detritus of defaults, banking crises and currency controls.
The man knows that the darkness brings to the surface the detritus of this city - the criminal, the psychotic.
One of the only bright spots among the industrial detritus is a six-story white building surrounded by immaculate lawns.
Such is the extent of the detritus that the first accidental collision between two satellites has already taken place.
Put aside the considerable legislative detritus of the act, and its aim is clear: to rationalize a dysfunctional health insurance marketplace.
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Rather, it was misinformed journalists who talked of an island of plastic, mythological masses of synthetic detritus, an illusive terra aqua.
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Except it is almost buried under a pile of new-fangled cultural detritus.
During one orchestral interlude, the crowd slowly crossed the stage, leaving behind broken furniture and torn books, the detritus of the wrecked convent.
Massive mountains of carefully sorted tyres, planks and other detritus rise like burial mounds along the coastline, lapped by a now gentle sea.
This detritus, man-made, earth-grown, was a kind of moat surrounding the building proper, this modern fortress, painted a yellow that was surely labelled Tuscan.
The scientists also added figures for the amount of dead material such as discarded fish and other detritus that routinely sinks to the seabed.
BBC: The model should aid future management of the North Sea
Isaac has left its mark in the form of downed trees, curbs covered in branches and other detritus, a few twisted stoplights and bent signs.
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At the moment, would-be parents are offered a sperm "washing" technique prior to insemination, which removes cells and other detritus which can harbour the virus.
Not only that, but the sail will also act like a handkerchief, mopping up microscopic orbital detritus such as flecks of paint from previous launches.
But clusters of detritus are common in the once fast-flowing water.
Founded in 1989, the Vancouver, British Columbia, outfit hauls unwanted domestic detritus (not including deadbeat husbands) to landfills, recycling plants and, in some cases, charity organizations.
Henry's recollection returns in fragments, the detritus of experience, a patchwork of truths a priori-that is the graceless name by which his friend Waldo refers to such things.
She has found proof of chewing in the upstairs room where she is staying, which is littered with the dried detritus of the discarded stems of the stuff.
Without the enzyme, the body is unable to effectively "clean up" the connective tissue in the bones, meaning it can't sweep away damaged cellular detritus or foreign bacteria.
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"Lots of organisms, particularly tiny bacteria, eat and take nutrients from detritus and in doing so they make it available to the higher organisms who eat them, " said Mackinson.
BBC: The model should aid future management of the North Sea
In this collaborative autobiography, these three attractive, successful journalists recount how they spent their prime childbearing years chasing story leads, while the detritus of failed or disappointing relationships gathered around them.
FORBES: Reading: Three Wishes by Carey Goldberg, Beth Jones and Pamela Ferdinand
With its characteristically detailed look at the pop-cultural detritus in a miserable late-night rest stop, "I-95" first appears to be just another Fountains of Wayne-ian look at someone's mundane, loveless existence.
The programs are downloadable for free, and they all do a very good job of sorting through the detritus that can accumulate on a personal computer over a period of years.
She tries to relax into a high state of alert, if that is at all possible, and then picks up Zaak's pungent body odor, the unwashed detritus of a qaat-chewer's unhealthy living.
You burn things as quickly as you can, spending tomorrow stamps to get items faster and filling the fireplace with so much detritus that the flames reach the top of the screen.
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