• He recently nominated Haruhiko Kuroda, who is president of the Asian Development Bank, to become Japan's next central bank governor.

    BBC: Japan growth figures lift recovery hopes

  • Mitsubishi is also said to be seeking an injection of tens of billions of yen from the Japan Development Bank, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported on Friday.

    BBC: Chief executive Rolf Eckrodt is taking charge of sales

  • Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to nominate Haruhiko Kuroda, the current chief of the Asian Development Bank and seen as a proponent of easier monetary policies, as the next governor of the Bank of Japan.

    WSJ: Stocks Falter

  • But, according to the Asian Development Bank, 60% of Asia's exports (not including Japan's) still go to America, the European Union and Japan.

    ECONOMIST: Asia and the crisis

  • "We want to achieve the 2 percent target set by the government and Bank of Japan at the earliest possible date, " Haruhiko Kuroda, currently president of the Asian Development Bank, told lawmakers Monday.

    NPR: BOJ Gov Candidate Says Inflation Target Top Goal

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