The black line makes it clear that gigabyte shipments barely deviate from the trend.
One measure has been "operational errors, " or instances in which controllers deviate from established protocols.
Many airlines these days require pilots to fly prescribed routes rather than deviate just for show.
This will be one of the few instances where I will grossly deviate from that practice.
Many scenarios let you deviate from the "best route" approach allowing you to prowl around and gather loot.
Occasionally I allowed myself to get distracted and deviate from this rule, and in every instance I regretted it.
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But without data that deviate from the Standard Model's predictions, they cannot decide which of these models look correct.
Risk aversion, fear of default and depleted bank capital have caused private borrowing rates to deviate sharply from policy rates.
Apple is not going to deviate from the strategy of doing a few things, and doing them better than anyone else.
The IMF sent a lower-ranking official to Brussels in his place who had no latitude to deviate from the IMF's deadline.
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Investors must have a very strong reason to deviate from this policy.
Would you expect that the public option would deviate significantly from those?
Yet it is highly improbable that the enabling legislation could deviate from the Basic Law without being subject to challenge on constitutional grounds.
Our approach is to watch for and take advantage of opportunities as greed and fear cause market prices to deviate from intrinsic value.
On Monday, Costa Crociere's chief executive, Pier Luigi Foschi, told reporters the company didn't authorize Mr. Schettino to deviate from the ship's official route.
According to the Center for Research in Security Prices, microcaps outperform small caps and large-caps stocks over time, although returns deviate by wider degrees.
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We pay every respect to the norms of the group, even the colors of rubber bands for our hair, and try not to deviate.
But unlike Eriksson, who seemed to deviate from that formation with England only in desperation, Capello has the flexibility to adapt - and also innovate.
Malaysia must not deviate from upholding the pluralism, tolerance and understanding that are the hallmark of a civil, democratic, multireligious, multicultural and polyglot society.
But don't look for Parker to deviate from Southwest's cautious strategy of adding just three cities a year, even if provoked by another carrier's demise.
So while the following tax bracket scenarios are likely, there is still a chance that the final law will deviate from each of these predictions.
Under those circumstances, they were bound to deviate from his rules.
To deviate from the structure of the market portfolio was assumed to involve assuming an extra increment of risk for no matching incremental improvement in reward.
Mr Estrada and his cabinet have held to the policies pursued by Mr Ramos, in spite of the temptations to deviate supplied by the regional crisis.
Independence of mind is tolerated in college, and even honored, but students have to master the accepted ways of doing things before they are permitted to deviate.
Although the Letter is a reliable benchmark, the Division will in some cases deviate from it depending on necessities raised by specific issues in any given investigation.
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The UK government asked the European Commission in January for permission to deviate from the Europe-wide VAT rules on the goods most commonly used in the fraud.
This will not be the case for every Tolkien fan: I suspect the purists will be upset by the ways in which the films deviate from the book.
Under Massachusetts law, a charitable trust can deviate from its initial charter, but only if the mission essentially becomes impossible to carry out or runs into unforeseen problems.