Plaid heritage spokeswoman Bethan Jenkins said it underlined the need to devolve responsibility for broadcasting.
The Welsh government wants the UK government to devolve powers over large-scale energy generation projects.
In modest ways, the city itself tries to devolve some of its own powers.
The bill intends to devolve power away from central government to local councils and neighbourhoods.
He should resist the temptation to use them, and instead devolve power away from the presidency.
Portugal's recent plan to devolve power to the regions has made many Portuguese even twitchier.
ECONOMIST: Spain and Portugal: Ever closer, inside Europe’s Union? | The
The vital one: why would the rest of the UK be willing to devolve more tax powers?
Conservative Dyfed-Powys Police Commissioner Christopher Salmon claimed there was "no real appetite out there" to devolve policing.
BBC: Wales police devolution: David Hanson warns on challenge
Yet Spain's two big parties, the People's Party and the Socialists, devolve few decisions to their members.
The cornerstone of Musharraf's promise to restore democracy is a plan to devolve power to local councils.
Ideally, the government would like to devolve responsibility for allocating and managing funds to districts and village councils.
There have been calls to devolve responsibility for the two Severn bridges towards the end of the decade.
General Musharraf's boldest initiative so far, a plan to devolve power to elected local bodies, speaks their language.
ECONOMIST: The general dictates the tune to which Pakistan will dance
Big issues, such as how much power the federal government will devolve to the provinces, are still unsettled.
The worst offenders are Clackmannanshire, Fife and Highland which devolve less than 60% of education spending to headteachers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Heads could be given more powers
Centralisers under Margaret Thatcher, they now want to devolve power to locally elected officials, including mayors and police chiefs.
That's why the model in health is to devolve personal health budgets to the GP and the patient together.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
The Conservative-run council agreed in September to devolve responsibilities to groups of volunteers at 10 libraries in the county.
In his New Year message, Mr Woodward said the government stood ready to devolve the remaining powers in May.
They will not persuade their colleagues to devolve power to local government unless local government itself becomes more democratic.
Add a desire to devolve more decisions to local areas, and Whitehall begins to look too large and creaky.
Belatedly, politicians of all parties are trying to devolve more power to patients.
Far better would have been to devolve financial accountability along with spending power.
Ministers are promising to devolve power to a new, regional tier of government.
Many observers fear that Syria, a mosaic of different religious sects and ethnic groups, could devolve into a religious conflict.
The same theme emerges from another Scottish Labour proposal, to devolve the management of 90% of school budgets to headteachers.
Mr Wahid's government is trying to do this as it prepares to devolve more powers to the provinces and districts.
It says oil taxation is too volatile to devolve and wants welfare to remain handled by the UK as a whole.
BBC: Scottish Labour considers case for devolving income tax
Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said the in-principle agreement to devolve capital borrowing powers was "an important step forward".
In her speech, Ms May re-iterated the Tories' pledge to "devolve power back to parents and the classroom", making schools "free".