With the help of obliging paparazzi, pictures invariably end up in magazines devoted to obsessive star coverage.
The period devoted to outdoor activities, which are thought to help stave off shortsightedness?
Nor is there much criticism on the myriad websites devoted to the Apple rumor mill.
FORBES: Does Apple's Holy Grail of Tax Avoidance Runneth Over?
Each had been devoted to their mission and were praised by others for saving lives.
One law firm even has an entire section of its website devoted to the suits.
FORBES: A Judicial Solution To Non-Practicing Patent Holders' Suits Vs. End Users?
First, and most important, a relatively small share of the bill was actually devoted to infrastructure.
ECONOMIST: The historic infrastructure investment that wasn��t
Car futurology is fertile territory for a museum devoted to collecting and studying 20th-century objects.
In 1961, when he became editor, FORBES was devoted to the doings of big corporations.
But only 190 of the 1, 070 plots studied were devoted to the juicier crop.
ECONOMIST: The World Bank cannot go where its research is leading it
To allay that fear, a large part of the aglet protocol is devoted to security.
More than 90% of farmland in those areas is devoted to dairy and livestock production.
BBC: The grey partidge is nearly extinct in parts of England
And she was devoted to him until he succumbed to heart disease in 1946.
The "Hurricane Sandy's Lost Treasures" page is devoted to helping reunite owners with found objects.
Ideas around product differentiation, value innovation, and whole Blue Oceans are devoted to it.
FORBES: Let's Face It: In Most Industries, Firms Pretty Much Do the Same Thing
To this day, there are many local libraries with tributes devoted to her efforts.
The keyboard eats up space that could be devoted to a bigger screen, of course.
Like Americans, Chinese parents are devoted to creating a better life for their kids.
That revenue total does not include the payroll taxes devoted to paying Social Security.
It also causes the share of GDP devoted to health care to rise much more slowly.
There is an entire industry devoted to denying that this is even a problem.
The small space is devoted to exhibits that allow German curators to explore the surrounding city.
FORBES: MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38
Samsung, Toshiba, and Panasonic will have huge areas devoted to their displays.
Obama also held a town hall meeting devoted to health care in southwestern Virginia.
One of the two CDs in this collection is solely devoted to his singing.
For the first time ever, more corn is devoted to the fuel than to livestock.
In September, Chesapeake will soon launch Shale.tv, another video site devoted to natural gas drilling.
At Keio University in Tokyo, Masaru Tomita heads an entire institute devoted to in silico biology.
There are now a handful of reality shows on cable TV devoted to the subject.
It leaves the wider cast behind, and not one single frame is devoted to Andrea.
It is hard to see what more a college devoted to liberal education could do.