On the last Sunday of July (Reek Sunday), devout pilgrims follow his original route, traditionally without shoes.
He is about as socially conservative as one can be, and is a devout Catholic.
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The journey from very devout Catholic to outspoken atheist took about six months total.
He also idolizes the man, who comes off as devout, aloof, and under considerable strain.
Whether the devout and the doctrinaire can form a united political front is another matter, though.
Its author, Ruth Harris, is not a devout Christian but, like Ms Medwick, a non-observant Jew.
"I thought it was sacrilege, " says Jackson, who describes himself as a devout Catholic.
There's nothing like living in France, to turn a loyal pro-European into a devout Euro-sceptic.
Burns, a devout Red Sox fan, built a rather compelling case to support his argument.
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But Mrs Arroyo is a devout Catholic and wary of upsetting the influential bishops.
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The threat of diluting the devout coalition by Catholic Latinos is just below the surface.
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In future it may be easier for secular and devout feminists to work together.
He is a devout Muslim who, unlike his dad, eschews partying for quiet time at home.
Mercedes Cha, the gregarious South Korean owner of Gawon Apparel, is a devout Presbyterian.
That has not stopped devout Canadian Muslims from seeking religious guidance on family and personal matters.
The devout Christian businessman famously devotes a percentage of his annual income towards charity.
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The Acehnese, mostly devout Muslims, played a crucial role in Indonesia's own struggle for independence.
Today's Turkey offers a current example: devout Muslims with a passion for secular democracy.
Both are devout Muslims and both had a shared goal of ending the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
Though he was a devout student activist, he has always shown an appreciation for accommodation and balance.
Though brought up in an Orthodox Jewish home, he was, as a Jew, more respectful than devout.
Devout federalists have their answer: unanimity is the enemy of progress in an EU of 27 countries.
Many devout Muslims among the Arab protesters, including members of the Brotherhood, cite Turkey as a model.
They are, however, very devout Christians who see their struggle in moral terms, as right against might.
For their part, the devout immigrants considered the English Jews doctrinally lax to the point of apostasy.
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Before them the devout, kneeling in their sarongs, murmur prayers, light joss-sticks and touch their foreheads to the marble floor.
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Joe Easterling, who described himself as a devout Christian, told the Associated Press he voted for the amendment.
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Warren was also a seminarian and a devout Christian, and eHarmony started out as a predominantly Christian site.
We were both thrilled, but Tim, a devout Catholic with deep roots in the Church, was very excited.
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His mother was a devout Christian, his father a doctor who listened to the American-backed Radio Free Europe.