They remain devoutly Muslim, even if their opinions vary on things like sharia law.
But I devoutly hope that both Nader and Buchanan make it to the finals.
CNN: Lance Morrow: Why Ralph and Pat should be in the debates
In certain obvious ways, of course, that is a fate devoutly to be wished.
He grew up in Tachira, a devoutly Catholic Andean state, and was destined for the priesthood.
His burgeoning interest in contemporary art was met with mixed emotions by his conventional, devoutly Catholic family.
Americans who devoutly believe they live in a nation of laws should be outraged by these events.
Aceh is more devoutly Islamic than the rest of the country, whereas Papua is tribal and Christian.
Intriguingly, research on Turkey's devoutly Muslim heartland finds a strong positive link between Islamic piety and capitalist success.
The distraught, devoutly Catholic grandmother forgave the errant driver, Kim Yong Jae, 24.
Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard.
Ironically, the devoutly "normal" White is the one who is truly messed up.
But the growth in employment, the new jobs all so devoutly desire, tend not to come from large companies expanding.
FORBES: Senator Carl Levin's Report: Has It Been Hacked Or Something?
The most recent to emerge is what happened at Aceh, a devoutly Muslim province at the north-western tip of the archipelago.
Perhaps it is, but many devout citizens of the United Arab Emirates still believe devoutly in magic and possession by demons.
But Mr Barak devoutly rehearsed the catechism before leaving, and feels that to abandon it would be political suicide for him too.
For which prospect most Americans will most devoutly keep their fingers crossed.
Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born April 16, 1927, in the village of Marktl am Inn, Germany, in the devoutly Catholic region of Bavaria.
The 300 or so Vietnamese living here are all devoutly Catholic.
The rest range from mildly to devoutly religious.
ECONOMIST: Another row between the religious and the secular in Israel
Throughout the trip, Benedict has paid tribute to his predecessor, Poland's favorite son, John Paul II, and his goal has been to exhort the inhabitants of Europe's most devoutly Catholic country to show the rest of the continent how to build a society based on Christian values.