The diaphragm, shutter speed and menu can be changed quickly using the command dial.
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This allows it to vibrate in sympathy with sound waves, like the diaphragm in a conventional microphone.
He underwent two surgeries after suffering a single gunshot wound that penetrated his chest, diaphragm, stomach and liver.
Three weeks after she was born, surgeons at Cincinnati Children's patched the hole in her diaphragm with Gore-Tex.
Patience Burnett was born in late February with a hole in her left diaphragm that stunted her lungs.
That posture makes it hard to breathe deeply with the abdominals and diaphragm, and leads to nasal-sounding voices.
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Inside its microphones is a capsule containing a diaphragm that vibrates near-perfectly when converting sound-waves into electric impulses.
Patent pending 50mm Dual-Diaphragm Drivers sport inner and outer rings separating the bass from bleeding into the mids and highs.
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The 1960s technique involves focusing on the diaphragm while breathing, and emphasises breathing through the nose, accompanied by relaxation training.
The team was using what is called a dynamic microphone, which picks up sound using a heavy, vibrating diaphragm about 1-inch around.
"As the uterus grows and pushes the diaphragm up, there is less room for the lungs, " affecting a woman's ability to breathe, she said.
The new lens consists of 10 elements in 7 groups, including 2 aspheric and 3 extra low dispersion elements, and a seven-blade rounded diaphragm.
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His diaphragm may also have moved up slightly higher than normal.
Tell yourself, "this is not my stress, " and try the same techniques recommended for stress-reactive people: Breathe deeply from the diaphragm and try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
Lucent researchers replaced it with an electret microphone, which picks up sound using a polymer foil more than 1, 000 times smaller than the diaphragm in a dynamic microphone that picks up fewer vibrations.
While most venues have those run-of-the-mill mics -- which typically enlarge diaphragm size to increase sensitivity -- David Schwartz thinks he has a better idea for picking up even the slightest peeps without introducing distortion.
The partial injury (there are no ventilators for rats, so the researchers could not completely sever the cord without killing them) allowed only one side of the diaphragm to work and the rats had trouble breathing.
In addition, all feature a specially designed Acoustic Optimizer that ensures dynamic sound and deep rich bass response, with optimum acoustical characteristics achieved by adjusting the sound pressure balance in front of and behind the diaphragm.
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There's some clever custom technology, such as the dual-electrodes the HE90 have between the diaphragm that is the cornerstone of the push-pull principle, that go a long way to helping these cans use to produce their sound.