In other films, this might have been a set up for a classic Hollywood diatribe against welfare cuts.
Last week, the website of the Shenyang Daily a newspaper controlled by the city's party committee carried a vicious diatribe against Mr Zhou.
His recent appearance on the Colbert Report included a diatribe against e-books.
One poem from 1899 comprises a diatribe against media intrusion titled The Press, which was one of Kipling's pet hates, echoing present day worries.
After a recent mass at the cathedral, a 55-year-old retired worker called Mrs Li held up a photocopied diatribe against the CCPA that is circulating among the congregation.
To PBS' credit, this is not an ideologically freighted diatribe against American imperialism, though it does trace how the nation grappled with its new role as a colonial power.
When Abdullah's strategic predicament is borne in mind, his statements to the Journal begin to sound less like a diatribe against Israel and more like a plea to Israel to be strong.
In an ugly diatribe against Netanyahu at his Clinton Global Initiative Conference, Clinton insisted that the PA under Abbas was "pro-peace" and that the only real obstacle to a deal was Netanyahu.
According to The Washington Post, a few days prior the Kozyrev remarks in Stockholm, a Russian representative to the International Monetary Fund threw one of the organization's executive committee meetings into turmoil when he launched into a diatribe against the West's sanctions on Serbia.
Clinton didn't end her diatribe with the IDF's supposed war against women.
So it is that the French National Assembly published a report last month about the geopolitics of water that included a 20-page diatribe claiming that Israel uses water as a weapon of apartheid against the Palestinians.