He gets a new wardrobe every three years from work-wear maker Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Co.
The present system, says Robin Dickie, the managing director of the firm's retail business, is inefficient.
Mr Dickie also said that frontline advice agencies should be properly equipped and supported.
In fact, the only inaccuracy was the tense - umpires, as Dickie knew them, were finished long ago.
The recollections of Dickie Bird, Britain's best-loved cricket umpire, is a long-standing bestseller.
Mr Dickie says there are no plans to change the way newspapers are distributed, mainly because there are far fewer titles.
Dickie Arbiter, a former press secretary to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Harry's grandmother, urged people to take the prince's words in context.
CNN: Britain's Prince Harry apologizes for offensive language
At Test level, umpire Dickie Bird once called a temporary halt at Old Trafford because of sun shining off a nearby greenhouse.
In many ways this research is a confirmation of the description that John Dickie used some years ago in his excellent book, Cosa Nostra.
The lead trial lawyer is tobacco tort king Richard (Dickie) Scruggs.
Dickie Lee's 1976 country hit "9, 999, 999 Tears" is reimagined as the sort of infectious alt-country rocker that Ms. Willis specialized in during the late 1990s.
BrewDog Brewery logoJames Watt and Martin Dickie were only 24 when they decided they were sick of the mainstream UK beer scene, and wanted something better.
Dickie Pillager, the grammatically challenged local politician running for governor of Colorado in 2004's "Silver City, " bears more than a passing resemblance to the 43rd U.S. president.
Former cricket umpire Dickie Bird, from Barnsley, said the realisation that Yorkshire was doing so well in the medal table was a tribute to the region's "absolutely brilliant" athletes.
But long-time royal expert Dickie Arbiter said both Prince Harry and his entourage should have known they could not expect what went on in Vegas to stay in Vegas.
But John Dickie, head of the Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland, said the announcement was "a massive step forward" in the campaign to ensure healthy meals for children, whatever their home circumstances.
Other sporting honours include a CBE for the chairman of the England and Wales Cricket Board Giles Clarke and an OBE for services to cricket and charity for retired international umpire Harold "Dickie" Bird.
Stein says there was sampling well before their "Payoff Mix, " although it existed in a different form namely, the popular Flying Saucer records, which were collages created by Bill Buchanan and Dickie Goodman.
The slow, atmospheric ascent to the top of the roller coaster as scientist Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and colleagues (they include Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, Idris Elba and Charlize Theron) explore the mysterious planet LV-223.
But Dickie Arbiter, former press secretary to the Queen, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme such a meeting would not be a good idea as Mr Burrell would "dine out" on it for some time.
John Dickie from Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland said 800, 000 more children would be living in poverty by the end of the decade across the UK, which could be up to 100, 000 children in Scotland.
The documentary, he says, tells the story of three lawyers who broke the rules: Dickie Scruggs of tobacco and asbestos fame, and Bill Lerach and Mel Weiss, who went to jail for bribing plaintiffs in securities cases.
Dickie Wong, executive director of research at Kingston Securities in Hong Kong, said he was optimistic that an agreement on the U.S. debt ceiling would be reached because of the high price tag attached to failing to do so.
Who, after all, could imagine the likes of Dickie Bird - an old-fashioned Yorkshireman, if ever there was one - emerging from a an ICC conference in Cape Town armed with a laptop computer, as the eight elite umpires did last March.
At his academy in Shanghai, Dickie has a team of 15 Olympic hopefuls, eight of whom attend full-time training, which is funded by a state who get value for money -- with the girls training six days a week if they are not contesting a tournament.
Relatively few countries even allow class actions (Brazil and Canada do, although few cases are filed) and the track record of jailed mass-tort and class action lawyers like Dickie Scruggs, Bill Lerach and Mel Weiss speaks to the deep corruption that is always lurking around this form of litigation.
FORBES: The U.S. Legal System: Good At Some Things, Wretched At Others
John Dickie from Poverty Action Group in Scotland told the committee the Welfare Reform Bill was "very skeletal" and lacking in detail and he said he backed the Scottish government pushing for an amendment to the bill for Scottish ministers to be consulted in areas where there was a devolved impact.