" He vowed that Pakistan constitution would be restored saying, quote, "There would be no dictatorship.
Mr Zapatero represented a new generation whose political lives had not been shaped by dictatorship.
ECONOMIST: Flirting with nationalists, provoking the opposition
In 1976, during Argentina's dictatorship, the navy kidnapped priests Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics.
"Bergoglio never turned anyone in, neither was he an accomplice of the dictatorship, " Mr Esquivel said.
On a darker note, some questioned the pope's relationship decades ago to Argentina's military dictatorship.
In Venezuela, as in most of Latin America, dictatorship has gone out of fashion.
In theory, he can stop Mr Milosevic turning the federal presidency into a dictatorship.
Morsi precipitated immediate accusations of Mubarak-style dictatorship, spurring secular oppositionists to form the National Salvation Front.
Unsurprisingly, the Portugal that followed the dictatorship wanted cheering up, as well as modernising.
At the time Portugal was in political ferment, after years of right-wing dictatorship.
Father Lombardi also noted that Argentine peace laureate Perez Esquivel absolved Francis of collaboration with the dictatorship.
Before that, during the 40-year-long dictatorship of General Francisco Franco, domestic violence was not considered a crime.
Former political prisoner George Ayittey will show how Ghanaians took their country from dictatorship to civilian rule.
President Ricardo Lagos hopes that the talks will allow Chile to close its debate about the dictatorship.
Eighty-one year old Abman Bishear(ph) has lived through Saddam's dictatorship and through the chaos that followed his fall.
Such emergency legislation has only been used nine times since the collapse of Greece's military dictatorship in 1974.
The centre-left coalition, known as the Concertacion, which has governed Chile since dictatorship ended in 1990, looks tired.
ECONOMIST: Chile��s right in the shadow of an embarrassing old general
The adoration was put to the test in 1974 when Portugal emerged from half a century of dictatorship.
Bergoglio never turned anyone in, neither was he an accomplice of the dictatorship.
FORBES: Did Pope Francis Do Enough To Fight Torture In Argentina?
It was a revolutionary sound, a response to Brazil's military dictatorship that felt more relevant than quaint Bossa Nova.
Pope Francis has faced questions about his actions during the dark and brutal years of Argentina's 1970s-era military dictatorship.
Court documents have revealed that some in Argentina's church hierarchy supported the dictatorship.
That would give Ms Rousseff Brazil's strongest government since the end of dictatorship.
Mr Chavez swears he has no dictatorship in mind, and probably means it.
Rousseff is a former Marxist guerrilla fighter, who joined the underground resistance against the Brazilian dictatorship in the late 1960s.
Others sought refuge after the collapse of the Duvalier dictatorship in the late 1980s, according to the Migration Policy Institute.
Following the morning ceremony, Germany's Parliament held a special session in tribute to those who died under the Nazi dictatorship.
Two of Spain's most gifted artists, Picasso and the cellist Pablo Casals, chose exile rather than live under the dictatorship.
Second, Argentina does not want to repeat the war, which triggered the end of military dictatorship and the advent of democracy.
Chile inherited from the dictatorship a voucher system under which the government pays money to the school of the parents' choice.
ECONOMIST: A trial of strength between students and the government