Ocean life would die off, while pests and disease would increase, the report says.
An unusually hot summer in 2010 also caused some grasses to die off in the lower bay.
It will take a while before the new-issues market recovers, and in the meantime some companies will die off.
We either take action to prevent further degeneration or large parts of the acquatic ecosystem will die off.
FORBES: Setting an Innovation Agenda for the Ocean: The Next Frontier for People Like Us
"As more and more of these people die off and no longer perform, their history will be gone, " he says.
In the countryside, whole villages are disappearing at this moment as the elderly die off and the young head to the cities.
For some of GM's global partners collaboration is not only a cost-saver--it's a way to save a brand that otherwise might die off.
He says that it does appear the presence of IAPV is at least a sign that a beehive is likely to die off.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Studer spent years trying to transform adult stem cells into neurons to study why they die off prematurely in Parkinson's disease.
Within a matter of minutes, the MRSA on the copper surface began to die off, whereas the population thrived on the stainless steel.
Almost all die off because the conditions in the system are nothing like what's in our gut, and they can't compete with the system's bacteria.
Some projects, like Git, follow a more orderly path, while many seem to spasmodically send out shoots that quickly die off and oscillate in scale wildly as they grow and change.
FORBES: How Open Source Software Blooms: Gource Version Control Visualizations From Google
There were so many in 2012 alone that the concept of it is beginning to become very stale, and if not managed properly could quickly die off in the years to come.
The average initiate is in his late 40s, according to John Hamill, the lodge's head of communications, and, as recruitment falls and old members die off, the number of freemasons in Britain is shrinking.
Januvia and Galvus appear not only to spare patients the side effects of older medicines, but also to help preserve the beta cells in the pancreas--the cells that produce insulin, and that often die off in diabetes patients.
It may just be that the virus turns up in bees that are sick for other reasons, or that it is one of many triggers, potentially including pesticides or other pathogens, that can cause a whole hive to die off.
Where does the letting a man die leave off and the killing a man begin?
The die-off was least severe in the southern bay, where there was a 7 percent overall decrease and where new beds were found in the main stem of the James River.
Without new conservation measures, there could be a massive die-off of Caribbean frogs within 15 years, warned Adrell Nunez, an amphibian expert with the Santo Domingo Zoo in the Dominican Republic.
In time, things can die, break off, or cause us to carry an extra burden around.
FORBES: We're All In The People Business (The Parable Of The Ax)
However, there are problems with longer-term use, as the skin constantly produces new cells, while those at the surface die and are brushed off, meaning a new sensor would need to be attached at least every fortnight.
That is, you pay the premium, and the insurance company pays off if you die.
Banks might not offer you a mortgage if you were likely to die before it was paid off.
But allowing gorillas and chimpanzees to die, or killing them off, won't improve people's lives: it will impoverish them.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Fences 'can help apes' survival'
"I think it's really important that spider bites be understood because there's so many urban legends about, you know, you get a spider bite, your limb falls off and you die, " Seger said.
CNN: Rocker Hanneman's death puts attention on spider-bite effects
What if, before you die, you get a pay off and it costs you nothing?
This idea, as you may detect, is cheerfully ripped off from "Die Fledermaus" by Johannn Strauss II.