Dr Choudri has coeliac disease himself and knows the importance of a gluten-free diet.
This time, he was going to focus on losing weight by restricting his diet first.
Several studies have linked the Mediterranean diet with a reduced risk of heart disease.
Is it diet, healthcare, social structure, even climate - and which is the most important?
But he pointed out that statins would not affect all the negative effects of an unhealthy diet.
In order to guarantee a varied and balanced diet, Geoff relies on his prescriptions for gluten-free food.
At the tiny, deli counter-style Monk Bar Chocolatiers, a diet-threatening array of treats is on display.
The study looked at the diet of 1, 100 pregnant women and newborns from the five European countries.
Somewhere around 57, I finally lost the weight through a serious commitment to exercise and diet.
His daily diet routinely consists of Greek yogurt, protein bars, soup, popcorn, cheese and crackers.
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This is a man who left his couch and fast-food diet to start racing ultra-triathlons.
Sparkling beverages, including Coca-Cola and Diet Coke, continue to see strong growth, the company said.
The proper human diet requires not cuts in bone or muscle but in the blubber.
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Spark's software won't allow someone to program a diet less than 1, 200 calories a day.
For great numbers of people, better diet and more exercise simply aren't enough, this argument goes.
He rehired diet scientist Jay Satz, who had left in 1990, to redo the menu.
As a physician, I encourage everyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including proper diet and exercise.
Article 96 would be changed to a simple majority vote within each Diet chamber.
Their food is coloured with crushed prawn shells, part of the salmon's diet in the wild.
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Some 54 million Americans are currently on a diet, according to the International Food Information Council.
Was the risk real or the product of something other than diet drink consumption?
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He has since eliminated gluten, high-fructose corn syrup and dairy products from his diet.
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He found that one was anemic and improved markedly when meat was added to her diet.
It wasn't until 2001 that some experts acknowledged that a low-carb, high-protein diet may have merit.
These days, it seems everyone knows someone who has lost weight on the diet.
Getting sore after every workout could be due to issues of training or one's diet.
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Instead I want to talk about diet and its relationship to health and fitness.
After three months, off the pill and begin reworking the diet and other activities.
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Burris also doesn't rule out other pathways through which diet might affect your skin.
The Dukan Diet has even branded its own oat bran and oat bran bars.