He said dietary intake of carbohydrate and protein is known to promote muscle protein synthesis, he said.
BBC: Image of a bodybuilder
In the UK "between October and May virtually no-one makes vitamin D because of the sunlight" regardless of your skin colour, so Vitamin D levels are dependent on dietary intake, he said.
BBC: What is rickets?
To date, individuals who suffer from LPL deficiency have had little choice but to highly regulate their dietary fat intake lest they end up in the hospital.
FORBES: Europe Takes The Lead Toward Approval Of First Gene Therapy Drug
Many other factors that have been studied do not seem to affect the risk of breast cancer (dietary fat intake, cigarette smoking, past oral contraceptive use, exposure to electromagnetic fields).
FORBES: After 40 Years Of Research, What Do We Know About Preventing Breast Cancer?
In an editorial in the same journal, Dr John Baron, of Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire, said short-term studies appeared to suggest there was no effect from high dietary fibre intake on bowel cancer risk.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Fibre cancer benefits questioned
Although not large, this difference in cholesterol concentration is comparable to that achieved in studies involving alteration of intake of dietary fat or cholesterol.
BBC: 'Little and often' cuts cholesterol
Investigators in Spain randomized 7447 people at high risk for cardiovascular disease to one of three diets: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts, or a control diet for which people were advised to lower their intake of dietary fat.
FORBES: Large Trial Shows Cardiovascular Benefits Of Mediterranean Diet