The skills needed to run a chemistry laboratory are different from the skills needed to run a warehouse which are different from the skills needed to be President of the United States.
Dr. BARBARA O'CONNOR (California State University): If they are capable of going out on the stump on their own, they do sort of extend the legs of a campaign by able to be in a different state from their husband.
Travel sites will be different a year from now, furnished with more communities, better and more integrated customer service and more personalization, among other features.
The Sun spokeswoman said she thought the newspaper's clip, which is similar to ITV's but seems to be taken from a slightly different angle, was from a different video recording.
For him, introducing a child to music shouldn't be different from the way a child begins speaking.
All of these things are true, all elements matter, and any number of different lessons can be learned by looking at the matter from a slightly different perspective.
FORBES: Latest 'Harry Potter' Film is Already Breaking Records
The run-off will be a very different affair from last Sunday's election, one that will be much more difficult for Mr Menem to fight.
For computing to become a utility, which is the promise of the cloud, a data centre cannot be a hotch-potch of boxes cobbled together from different vendors, but must be tightly integrated.
It will be a different organization from the one that exists today.
It may be a different position from that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but it is not a difference that should matter to most Jewish voters who support both Mr. Obama and Israel.
The credit score you purchase from a credit reporting agency may be very different from the score your lender sees.
In short, a market involving numerous competing over-the-top video providers will be fundamentally, qualitatively different from a market in which one or two large broadband incumbents decides which video content to provide to consumers.
For Mr Hutton's analysis seems to be of a different world from the one everyone else inhabits.
"This will be a very different experience from traditional file-sharing networks, " said Gilles BianRosa, CEO of Azureus.
BBC: Zudeo users will be able to download copies of Red Dwarf
The athletes, too, seemed to be of a different species from the strongmen: flexible and surprisingly slender, with muscles that had the almost slack look I remembered in Alexeyev.
Mr. RUBALCABA: So we couldn't play that music at the school, but (unintelligible) that soon as the moment that we finish our work activities at the school everyday, we'd be playing a different music from somewhere around the city.
When assigned to random groups to select music with people you do not know, for example, you will collectively create a shared favorites list that is likely to be quite different from the lists of all other groups that might form for a similar task.
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Hong Kong movies, Mr Bordwell submits, must be seen in a different way from western ones.
ECONOMIST: Hong Kong cinema: Thunderclouds and flying tigers | The
Pace this, there are areas in which the reality of a Blair government may be different from the rhetoric of opposition.
Improvement needs to be approached from a different perspective, if it is going to have a meaningful impact that is sustainable over the long term.
The next one needs to be cut from a different cloth.
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Besides being a useful source of dark matter, it may explain the solar-neutrino deficit (the gap between prediction and observation would be caused by a different mutation, from electron neutrinos into undetectable tau neutrinos).
"If I were to intervene at that stage, it would essentially mean I would say the setting of grade boundaries in Wales will be done on a different basis from the setting of grade boundaries in England, " he said.
To call it a big difference seems to be a disservice to a device that is essentially completely different from its forebear.
If you have a lot of information gathered in one place and it is from a lot of different places, it may be hard for one human being to keep track of it all.
And yes, this is a very different question from whether there should be a state run financing system for health care.
Furthermore, empathy experienced in a human relationship will always be different from the experience of being known by some data-mining organization, however accurate the information may be that is discerned.
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He likens it to the way a Hollywood film might be very different from the original script - and that Shakespeare was unusual in getting control of the production process.
And if the Reagan policies of the 1980s were sufficiently different from those of the previous decade to generate a growth premium, cannot a case be made that the policies of the Obama administration are sufficiently different from those of the previous quarter-century to alter the growth trend and impose a growth discount?
Mr Wallison argues that letting an insurer own a bank is little different from letting a retailer do so: the same conflicts arise, which can be managed with proper regulation.