Different customers not only want different things from their smartphones, they want difference for its own sake, which explains the otherwise inscrutable shifting of coolness cachet from the iPhone to Samsung's Galaxy S line.
For each of the items significantly differentfrom plan, use the reason for the difference as a springboard for considering how your plan for the rest of the year should be adjusted.
There are many ways in which Friendster was differentfrom the social networks of today, but the biggest difference may be that on Friendster, you could see when someone looked at your profile.
The game that they would play in the pros would also be differentfrom the game they were playing in college, but the difference was merely one of degree.
It may be a different position from that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but it is not a difference that should matter to most Jewish voters who support both Mr. Obama and Israel.
In fact I took the Wal Mart challenge on more grocery bill and went to three different stores over a three month period and found little to no difference in buying from Wal Mart.