• It's often difficult to make out what Van Wyngarden and Goldwasser are saying, but it works on a record where the vocals are primarily a vehicle for melody.

    NPR: First Listen: MGMT's 'Congratulations'

  • Eyes difficult to make out in newsprint.

    NEWYORKER: A Beneficiary

  • While we understand and appreciate the simplicity, the combination of relatively dim LEDs and the glossy design made it a bit difficult to make out direction under the harsh lights of the Fujitsu booth -- we can only imagine things would only get worse under a glaring mid-day sun.


  • As its name suggests, it sends data traffic through a series of routers arranged in layers like in an onion to make it difficult to find out who is browsing a site or is behind any particular web activity.

    BBC: Keyboard

  • It is difficult enough to make money out of running education for the public sector.

    ECONOMIST: Education

  • Forecasts of losses from a unique event such as the royal wedding are tough to make accurately because it is difficult to separate out the holiday's influence from other economic trends.

    WSJ: Economists' Royal Wedding Jitters Don't Add Up

  • Justice minister Chris Grayling has asked the Sentencing Council to review guidelines which make it difficult for judges to give out tougher sentences.

    BBC: Steve Green, Tina Butcher, Jamie Butcher, Hollie Butcher

  • "If we start with the actions next week, which we intend to, to move from a conceptual discussion to implementation phase, we'll start to make commitments that then become very difficult to come out of, " he said.

    BBC: Ecclestone vows to act in F1 feud

  • But he deserves at least one chance to win with a roster that doesn't make it so difficult just to fill out a lineup card.

    WSJ: The Mets Should Give Terry Collins a Real Shot

  • Rishi Kant says there is a need for fast-track courts - like the court being used to try the suspects in the latest gang-rape case - to prosecute perpetrators, and make it more difficult for them to get out on bail.

    BBC: The girls stolen from the streets of India

  • Approving Provenge might make it difficult to find out whether Provenge's benefits are real.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • That will drag down nominal GDP in the short term, and make budget cuts more difficult to carry out.

    ECONOMIST: Bailing out Greece: An extreme necessity | The

  • "If they can get rid of these anomalies, which make it difficult for people to get out of the benefit system and into work, good luck to them, " he said.

    BBC: Who deserves benefits?

  • Residency applicants from foreign schools are likely to be squeezed out, medical educators say, which could make it more difficult to fill the nation's growing needs in primary care, which includes internal medicine, family medicine and pediatrics.

    WSJ: Squeeze Looms for Doctors

  • The publication of the report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life provides a golden opportunity for the government to get this issue back out of the box marked 'too difficult' and make a serious effort to find a fair solution which is acceptable to all parties.

    BBC: Party funding: MPs urge government to stick to reform

  • The distinctive uniform would make it more difficult for bureaucrats to hand out fines for misdemeanours, he said.

    BBC: London Local Authorities Bill

  • But while it is difficult to make too many judgments based on two washed-out matches, England do look mobile in the field.

    BBC: Jonathan Agnew column

  • P. caucus in the Senate, that threat alone, if carried out again, would make it difficult to peel off Republican votes.

    CNN: AllPolitics - TIME This Week

  • He has made things more difficult by staying out of the legislative fray, refusing to make demands on Congress, and limiting how much he talks about the specifics that he thinks must be part of the bill.

    CNN: Commentary: Liberals' passion for public option

  • Various things about the way they put the teams together, salary caps and drafts and things like that make it so that it's very difficult to stand out above the crowd for any long period of time.

    NPR: Six Days to the Super Bowl. Start Warming the TV

  • Seventeen percent said that being out of work for fewer than six months would also make it difficult to place someone in a job.

    FORBES: New Study: Long-Term Unemployment Viewed By Hiring Companies As Worse Than A Criminal Record

  • To make this case in any courtroom would be very difficult for a prosecutor -- who point out that it is difficult, if not impossible, to put on a successful prosecution if the chief witness is deemed by the prosecutors to be unreliable on some issues, but presented as totally truthful on others.


  • "It's very difficult to go out of the Champions League for anybody, especially when you lose at home, you make it difficult for yourself, " Wenger told Sky Sports.

    CNN: Bayern clings on as Arsenal fightback falls just short

  • Yet even as rich countries hand out more money with one hand, with the other they continue to make life difficult for the world's poorest by excluding them from rich-country markets.

    ECONOMIST: The education of Paul O'Neill | The

  • Now, while this is a great situation for a whisky aficionado, it does make the job of winnowing down the list difficult, and some awfully good drams had to be left out.

    FORBES: Super Single Malts

  • As it turns out, it's apparently just difficult to paint metal, and the manufacturing process required to make this laptop in white results in a smoother surface.

    ENGADGET: Spotted: Samsung shows off a white Series 9 Ultrabook with a different finish, we prefer the old version

  • But what I can do is to speak out forcefully for the principle that we can make these adjustments that are necessary during these difficult fiscal times, but do it in a way that preserves collective bargaining rights.

    WHITEHOUSE: Twitter Town Hall

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