They hope to dig down and find more evidence of the shipbuilding use of the site.
In some places, you would have to dig down over 100 meters before you found soil again.
She wanted to dig down to the raw shame of this failure in Hilda, this thing inside her, poisoning everything, cut off and spoiled and shrivelled up.
Users who dig down through country, state and city automatically create their own Web pages from a few broad templates that programmers built with Vignette software.
Users who dig down through country, state and city essentially create their own Web pages automatically from a few broad templates programmers built with Vignette software.
The most important lesson is that one cannot rely exclusively upon the claims of an offshore insurance company as to its financial strength, but you have to dig down to see what is really there.
FORBES: Broughton -- Rented Assets And Bogus Offshore Insurance Companies
But maybe you want to put a little more elbow grease into it, maybe you want to take a look at that sector, dig down into it and attempt to find stocks that appeal to you that way.
But if they had been sold five years earlier, the buyer might have had time to invest and dig down to the lucrative deep deposits while the copper price was high, and would then have stayed in business for another decade at least.
Here is a complete list of the Tolkien opus for those who want to dig farther down the Hole.
FORBES: "In a Hole in the Ground There Lived a Hobbit": Books for Bilbo's Screen Appearance!
What I don't anticipate is the arrival of Belgian police who announce that if either my colleague or I photograph or film the body, we will be arrested, our camera equipment impounded and - possibly - the archaeological dig closed down.
Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it.
The archaeologists may turn up other unexpected finds as they dig back through soil packed down over centuries.
Yet most indigent inmates, like Willingham, who constitute the bulk of those on death row, lack the resources to track down new witnesses or dig up fresh evidence.
Mr. McCLINTON: (Singing) If you were over in Egypt, way down deep on a dig, and if some mummy tried to get chummy, I'd be there to unravel his wig.
"By doing the dig at this stage, it will save us from any surprises further down the line, " he said.
To build up his legs, core, arm and hands, he and his brother and father would toss tires, dig holes and refill them, push wheelbarrows full of dirt, cut down trees with an ax and split wood.
Corry also had a sly dig at Tigers prop Martin Castrogiovanni for the swallow-dive he used when touching down for a try late on.
Background dialogue, "Dig It" and "Maggie Mae" have been removed and "Don't Let Me Down" has been added.
The GDP number in the third quarter was good, but if you really dig into the details, a lot of that was at the expense of the savings rate that came down.