"Grossology, " a 32-foot walk through digestive tract, will open to the public this spring.
And cheese, he says, breaks down into potentially addictive casomorphins in the digestive tract.
They also don't permanently alter the stomach or any other part of the digestive tract.
Who knows the specific dietary needs, the digestive tract, and unique eating habits of a Labrador Retriever better?
This pill travels through your digestive tract wirelessly transmitting your core body temperature.
Camera pills, which pass through your digestive tract taking pictures and transmitting them out are available from Given Imaging.
It's enough to say that they share a single digestive tract.
The functioning liver breaks down sugar for energy and produces bile, a fluid released into the digestive tract that aids in digestion, as a normal liver does.
The gold-standard bariatric surgery is called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, in which surgeons both shrink the stomach and reroute the digestive tract to bypass a portion of the intestines.
Mr Clifford said he last spoke to Socrates at the end of the summer when the former Brazil captain was released from hospital after suffering from bleeding in his digestive tract.
BBC: Garforth chairman pays tribute to Brazil legend Socrates
One in eight admissions to general hospitals in the UK are for gut conditions and diseases, and almost one in four main operations within general hospitals are performed on the digestive tract.
While it might be tempting to try to reduce your own risk by popping these over-the-counter pain relievers, known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the researchers sound a note of caution: The pills can cause bleeding in your digestive tract.
MediPharma has two drugs derived from Chinese herbs in midstage clinical trials in the U.S., one to improve the potency of radiation therapy on head and neck cancer and the other to treat Crohn's disease, an inflammation of the digestive tract.
Prometheus Laboratories that Prometheus obtained a patent on a method of treating digestive-tract diseases that is so broad it prevents its researchers from even thinking about the process it covers.
FORBES: Mayo Clinic Case Asks If A Doctor's Method Can Be Patented
They simulated the human digestive process by subjecting the tissue to treatment with the same digestive fluids they would encounter in the intestinal tract.