The National Library of China is ready to work in close cooperation with the World Digital Library, continuing to promote in concert the prosperity and progress of all human civilizations.
UNESCO: Communication and Information
First they hear from a galaxy of experts and interest groups about e-crime issues including privacy and security on social networks, digital forensics, measuring the cost of e-crime and international cooperation.
BBC: Week ahead
International cooperation on connecting performing-rights organizations around the world through digital databases had become one of her major interests.
WSJ: Frances Preston | Setting Down Roots | By Barry Mazor
Despite the setback, officials from the Department of Commerce and the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office, along with security experts from Microsoft, Cisco and other companies, said Thursday that they are making progress on a plan for cooperation and collaboration in the effort to protect the nation's digital infrastructure.
CNN: Lack of funding threatens cybersecurity project
Digital data of the following five proclaimed masterpieces was acquired in the first phase of the project period in cooperation with NHK, Japan.
UNESCO: Outline of Digital Archiving Project