While the police have fewer than 1, 000 officers trained in how to handle digital evidence at the most basic level, in UK private industry there are an estimated 8, 000 security experts.
"We have around 140, 000 police officers in the UK. And yet barely 1, 000 of them have been trained to handle digital evidence at the basic level and fewer than 250 are currently with Computer Crime Units or have higher level forensic skills, " said David Harrington, report author.
But a day spent at the tribunal suggests that it is worthwhile to get out a digital camera and gather evidence the next time you get an unfair ticket.
But the Lake District National Park Authority, which intends to enforce the limit by collecting evidence using digital video equipment, still cameras and a laser gun, believes it marks a new future for Windermere.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cumbria | Choppy water for lake speed limit
They also listened to evidence from the digital media company Cube Interactive, the online newspaper Golwg 360 and the Global Academy Innovation Programme.
Courts have been letting all kinds of digital documents be used as evidence, including spreadsheets, Internet browser histories, video, audio and the contents of computer memories.
Authorities sifted through thousands of pieces of evidence and a mass of digital photos and video clips.
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Update: Boy Genius Report has scored some other 3.0-culled goodies, including what appears to be voice dialing ("Voice Control" as they're calling it), a digital battery strength readout, and further evidence of video support.
"It seems that the majority of the music that is consumed illegally by the individuals in our sample would not have been purchased if illegal downloading websites were not available to them, " wrote the researchers in their report, Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data.
No other publisher has been so willing to assert, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that the digital poses no true threat to print, that the Web is something that can safely be ignored.
In a courtroom, for instance, a police officer might want to present photographic evidence taken at the crime scene with a digital camera.
Bad news of course for the High Street (no wonder HMV has struggled) but evidence that British consumers have finally got the legal digital habit.
There is also strong evidence now that companies with above industry average levels of digital revenue will outperform their peers.
Search warrants issued at the defendants' addresses uncovered evidence from mobile telephones and SIM cards, computers and digital media, travel documentation, passports and quantities of cash, the court heard.
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He was dead as a doornail and while the digital record of his death was hard to find, there was ample evidence in printed books and newspapers that he died and Mark, the chief inheritor of his fortune, knew very well that he was dead.
For some inexplicable reason, one of the hedge funds kept digital recordings of their phone calls with Jiau that are now being used as evidence in the investigation.
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