"We don't want lavish, pompous weddings, much better to have a private and dignified affair, " he said.
They were also made CBEs in the 2002 New Years Honours list, cementing their dignified artist reputation.
He came to his cause when he was past 60, a dignified figure with greying hair.
Yet the cheery, beautifully lit pinwheels and her dignified posture hint at none of that.
And tributes came pouring in for "resolute" campaigner Mrs Williams for her "dignified defiance" throughout.
Petrossian 's service is impeccable, its setting dignified and perfectly lit, its classic nouvelle courses outstanding.
She said it was extremely difficult to provide safe, effective and dignified care in this setting.
Quinn has created an extraordinarily dignified body of work that presents its subjects as contemporary heroes.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Newsnight Review | Marc Quinn
Yes, Chavez, you are a soldier, a glorious soldier of a dignified, proud and kind people.
Fan Laura Sanderson Healy(ph) says the dignified tribute was the boost Michael Jackson's legacy needed.
That car had a bluff utility about it, full of stance, too dignified to be pretty.
WSJ: 2013 Audi Allroad Review: Well, It's Definitely an Audi, Anyway | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
Mr Papademos kept a dignified distance from the chaotic politicking of the last week.
Brownstone Brooklyn makes a dignified statement with its housing stock, albeit a quiet, old-fashioned one.
Cojocaru clearly enjoys herself onstage: she is radiant, sweet, and, at the same time, dignified.
Gadbois, dignified and triumphant, turned to Clarisse and nodded once, gravely, his honor restored.
Ms Butler offered her condolences to Lady Thatcher's family after what she called "a very dignified service".
"You can be so dignified that you obscure the reality of what is going on, " Rodgers says.
Although the protest was both dignified and peaceful, it provoked instant outrage among the U.S. athletics authorities.
The bodies would be placed side by side "so that their burial will be dignified", she added.
We hope that this situation inspires the community to act more professional and dignified in all future tournaments.
He had been concerned about a dignified surrender, added the family, who indicated he was still in Iraq.
"She was so dignified and had such sparkling eyes, " said Nirmala Khanna who taught her international studies in 1964.
Some few careful, compassionate words would have sufficed and, for the rest of the occasion, a dignified non-committal silence.
Even speed of traveling may be assumed to have been a minor consideration for so very dignified a gentleman.
Well, then, a dignified man is one whose appearance implies a lifetime of thought, one whose brow expresses it.
And then beyond the Reflecting Pool the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial.
He came over, in his careful and dignified way, and stood before me.
These opportunities afforded him the chance to appear dignified, non-partisan and, well, presidential.
Lessig focuses on the breakdown in the national legislature, the problems (both political and social), and offers a dignified solution.
She had reached the bottom, and her pride arose, her sense of wanting to be dignified, to accept the inevitable.