In the provincial town of Tetritsqaro, young, unemployed men stand outside their dilapidated houses in the morning, drinking cans of beer.
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From the viewing platform, visitors are encircled by the 15m-high and 60m-long view, from the neighbourhood of Kreuzberg in the west to the Mitte district in the east, with the iconic spike of the Fernsehturm television tower, smoke-belching factories and dilapidated houses dominating the horizon.
BBC: Bringing the Berlin Wall back to life
One of the Army's most senior generals is vowing to personally oversee the upgrade of a dilapidated hospital ward that houses soldiers recovering from injuries sustained in Iraq and Afghanistan.
NPR: Army Probes Reports of Neglect at Walter Reed
In the 1960s and '70s, artists, writers and musicians moved into the dilapidated area, restoring some of the aging houses and breathing new life into the neighbourhood.
BBC: Bohemian Santa Teresa
Now the houses were smaller, and there was room behind them for dilapidated bits of an old elevated railway.
NEWYORKER: Brooklyn Circle
Some are dilapidated but others have been spectacularly restored, including the former Bank of Indochina building, which now houses a fine-dining restaurant with an excellent view across the square.
BBC: Phnom Penh��s fast-fading architectural treasures
One day shortly thereafter, Bon Jovi was walking through a dilapidated section of North Philadelphia with housing crusader Sister Mary Scullion, who suggested he fix up one of the houses.
FORBES: Jon Bon Jovi: Hungry To Help