The national designation, by contrast, is purely honorific and doesn't trigger any diminution of property rights.
There is no end in sight to its recession, or diminution of its devastatingly high unemployment.
Even if all goes well, though, a diminution of the outs' political sway seems likely.
But a diminution of the role of nuclear energy will be a real loss to the world.
FORBES: Post Fukushima-- burn more coal and oil, and hire more engineers not regulators
And they noted that one effect has been the gradual diminution of their number with each passing year.
Ms Smith said that the committee shared concerns over the "diminution of present services" for inspecting care providers.
Any diminution in the services provided by the agencies would pose the greatest threat of all to investors.
Mr. YAROSLAVSKY: Because what I see as a diminution of my value you may see as a societal benefit.
Determining the pre-casualty FMV to the property, and its subsequent diminution is the most difficult aspect of claiming the loss.
Yemen claims to have rehabilitated hundreds of former radicals, and points to the diminution of terrorist attacks as one result.
And if it doesn't it is not clever - it is defeatist, and will inevitably lead to a diminution of power.
BBC: Gaddafi killed: A new kind of US foreign policy success
This literal diminution of his stature can reduce his metaphorical stature, too.
The paper concluded that advanced economies with debt in excess of 90% of their Gross Domestic Product suffer a diminution of economic growth.
FORBES: That Reinhart and Rogoff Committed a Spreadsheet Error Completely Misses the Point
On the other hand, imposing rules that are so tough that the industry shrinks may lead to another diminution of Britain's global heft.
If that backlash results in more regulation of financial institutions and diminution of the influence of power and money in Washington, that would be great.
There are a series of variations, and in the last one Beethoven takes the theme from a quarter note pulsation through every diminution until it becomes mere vibration.
WSJ: Plumbing the Depths of Beethoven | Richard Goode | Cultural Conversation by Stuart Isacoff
Sure, being cool is nice, but the obsession with hipness often means missing a bigger story: the gradual diminution of the urban core as engines for job creation.
Mr Griffiths agreed it was vital in this period of change that there was no diminution in the services or the progress of the Environment Strategy Action Plan.
In other words, the diminution of memory in the poorer members of their study was entirely explained by stress, rather than by any more general aspect of poverty.
Now with the banks crippled with loan losses and severe diminution of asset values, they are in no position to lend, or lend at rates that many could afford.
Despite their defensive efforts at self-congratulatory 'spin-control, ' this episode is but the latest example of the diminution of U.S. power and influence in foreign affairs during the Bush Administration's tenure.
The big dollars in the 300 cases consolidated in federal court in San Diego will involve something entirely different, however: The diminution in value caused by all the uproar over sudden acceleration.
The Gaza crisis also triggered a round of name-calling within the world of British Islam that has laid bare a rapid diminution of the middle ground on which emollient types hope to stand.
Cabot Lodge specifically objected to the diminution of US national sovereignty inherent in the notion of transferring the power to commit US forces to war from the US Congress to an international body.
The impact of increasing atmospheric carbon is widely recognized, but diminution of human emissions of carbon will either require a difficult decrease in our use of fossil fuels or significant scientific and technological breakthroughs.
WHITEHOUSE: OSTP Director Holdren Keynotes Engineering Academy Summit | The White House
Crest Financial is mounting a court challenge as well as filing a petition to the FCC that this deal represents a diminution of value of all spectrum to be auctioned by the U.S. Government in the future.
FORBES: Fat Lady Still Not Singing In the Sprint Acquisition of Clearwire