One dish can comprise a number of elements, giving the diner one different mouthful after another.
Duffield and Bhusri met at a Truckee, California diner on a dreary February day.
The world's biggest mammal can breathe easily, at least where this diner is concerned.
More than one Strip establishment has made a halfhearted attempt to recreate a vintage diner experience.
Mmmm, I can almost taste those early bird specials at a Florida diner when I retire.
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That would be followed by a good meal at a diner or pancake house.
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Like put cars in different spots, move the tables around inside the diner, etc.
They are smart to create an ecosystem of services, which should ultimately make diner acquisition much easier.
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The quickest way to sicken a modernist is to bring him to a midcentury Los Angeles diner.
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Alongside the Rialto fish market, deli-diner Pronto Pesce specialises in crudi (Venetian-style sushi) and seafood salads.
There are, of course, classic diner experiences to be had in all corners of New York City.
The reality, however, is that in New York City, most diner food is not so cheap anymore.
Cherry Tomatoes: Even the most well-mannered and health-conscious diner can be sabotaged by plump, juicy cherry tomatoes.
Later, at the diner, I presented my find to a pal without revealing the candy's lofty origins.
Charles Burke runs the diner's tiny kitchen, and he feeds the parade that tromps through his door every four years.
Opened 47 years ago in Miami Beach, the modest diner-like eatery is today flanked by Gap and Benetton clothing stores.
This roadside diner offers fresh local seafood at the head of the Loch with views over to Skye.
Add a booth, a Formica counter and a cup of joe - as diner patrons call their coffee.
After a performance with his band he was arrested for punching a fellow diner at a Waffle House.
They generate revenue through subscription fees and per-diner reservation fees from the restaurants they list on their website.
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There is plenty of steak to be had in Vegas, with celebrity chefs and high-end chains all competing for diner accolades.
And an area on the ground below the table is kept clear in case a diner drops a fork.
The uncle also manages the other Tick Tock diner, which is across the street from Penn Station, in Manhattan.
In the early morning hours, people gathered inside an American diner in central Moscow to watch the election results.
As diner history is recorded, data about their preferences is used to improve their overall experience at the restaurant.
FORBES: OpenTable Has Been A Bullish Feast But How High Can It Go?
He notes that seated diner growth dropped to 21% in the latest quarter, from 38% in the year-ago quarter.
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Another is that the charm of the greasy diner, the traditional American purveyor of coffee, was lost on youth.
All of which pretty much eliminates the sliding of a check to your unhappy client at the nearby diner.
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We're talking about families that have been running that neighborhood diner for generations.
At a Chicago diner one day, he ordered a doughnut and coffee.